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Rescue mission: lost in the ocean of sin

 By now many of you have probably heard the plight of a few millionaires who spent about 250 000 each to get into a submersible to visit the wreckage of the Titanic 🚢. The Titanic was a British passenger liner which sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after striking an iceberg during her first  voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City, United States. There was even a movie made about it. I know many of you probably saw the movie. When I used to watch movies, I saw it and it was how I  learned about it. The wreckage of the Titanic is at 12 000 feet below sea level, 😬 thats deep, very deep. About the length of 10 empire state building.

To get another perspective on how deep the wreckage is at, a giant squid 🦑 goes about about 3000 feet and a sperm whale 🐋 about 4000 feet below sea level. 12 000 feet is very deep. A company named ocean gate offers trip to visit the Titanic for 250 000 thousands dollars a person. The co owner of the company, a millionaire and his son, I think a diver and someone else were in the submersible for this particular trip. The trip was supposed to last 24hrs but they lost contact with the submersible on sunday. The question is where is the submersible?  Where are the people and will they be rescued ? A massive search os currently underway to rescue these people. Multiple governments are involved .

Multiple governments and people are involved in this rescue mission and no expenses are being spared. These guys thought they were going to have a good time, a good experience and lo and behold, disaster has come upon them. I hope they find them before their oxygen run out. Last I heard they said Thursday June 22 would be when they will run out of oxygen. I hope they are found before they run out and are rescued. May the Lord help them in their hour of need. But I am here to tell you today about another rescue mission, a more costly rescue mission by the greatest government in existence. 

God created Adam and Eve, put them in a beautiful garden and told them they could eat everything in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil 🌳. Eve was deceived by the Devil using the medium of the serpent 🐍, she ate, her husband ate and humanity fell at a depth deeper than 12 000 feet. Our fall was at an infinite depth  and immediately a rescue mission was sent. The Lord came down from the height of heaven to look for us in the depth of our sins. The Lord asked Adam," where are you ? " Genesis 3:9. Eve thought she was going to have a greater experience by disobeying God, but she found herself drowning in the ocean of sin. God asked ,"Where are you?" 

The Devil, being a master salesman also has an adventure company. It is called " SinGate." And its business logo is, "An unforgettable experience under sin." He promises you to take you deep under to see the beauty of past wreckage. Yes, thats what his company offers. He offers us to go under the water of sin, to see the wretched lives of those who lived in sin before us and then promise us that we will easily come back up, that we are in control of our own lives, masters of our own destiny. And so many of us like Adam and Eve accept his business offer and put our  down payment. Not 250 000 per person, but our own lives and the lives of those we inspire to go down with us into sin 

Soon in our adventures, we realized something is wrong, something is not working. Soon we realized that we have lost control with the world above, with heaven above and we are plunging in the dark ocean of despair. What promised to be a fun night of pleasure has becomed a life time of pain, despair. What promised to be just a one time thing has become a cruel addiction and many of us find ourselves trap in the narrow space of our own mind, sinking down in the ocean of despair,  with the Oxygen of life, the joy of life running out. Adam and Eve were promised to be like God but they found themselves ashamed of their nakedness, hiding from each other and running away from God. 

This is the result of sin, shame, guilt, fear, hiding ourselves from God and others. The difference between those people who are now missing in the submersible and us is that they signed waivers knowing the risks and they also recognized they are in trouble and if they are still alived are probably hoping for a rescue mission or are making peace with their fates. Many of us are blinded by Satan as to the price of sin and we are also ignorant of our dire our situations are, how deep in the ocean of sin we are sinking and how our lives are soon going to be another wreckage on the floor of human history. So many of us have lost hope and have no peace .

But I am here to tell you today my friends, there is hope. Jesus has embarked in the greatest rescue mission in history. His goal is to find me and you sinking deep and fast in the ocean of our own sin. His goal is to rescue us from the submersible of our own foolish mindset, to reestablish contact with us and the world above and to bring us back to safety. This mission has cost heaven all its treasures, the life of Son of God.  Jesus gave up His life, plunged deep in the pit of our misery, of our sins and He is calling to me, to you, saying son, daughter, you are in deep trouble, you are drowning, you are dying, take my hand, let me pull you up above water .

Friends, you are in trouble. You are drowning in your sins and Jesus is looking for you today. All the resources of heaven are being used to rescue you. God the Father has sent His Son, Jesus has given His life, the Holy Spirit is speaking to your conscience, the angels of God are talking to you, God has sent preachers, family, friends, even this writing to ask you the question," where are you?" And God is waiting for you to say the prayer of the publican, " have mercy upon me Lord, a sinner." And to say like the apostle Peter when he was drowning, " Lord save me." Friends, we are drowning in sin, in sorrows, in guilt, in our past and Jesus is looking for you, for me to rescue us. Me and you are lost, hopeless and we cannot rescue ourselves,  but Jesus is able to rescue us. 

Will you allow the Lord Jesus to make contact with you today? To rescue you from the depth of your sins? If so friends, pray to Jesus in your heart right now and save Lord, I have sinned against you, I gone away from you deep into the ocean of sin, forgive me, have mercy on me and rescue me from my sins. Lord, here is my heart ❤, take it for I cannot give it. Lord save me at all cost, because you have spared no cost in coming to rescue me. Save me Lord, for I perish. Keep me Lord or I will fall back again. Life is short friends, we are all running out of oxygen. Let today be the day you allow Jesus to rescue you. Call upon Him and He will rescue you 🙏🏾


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