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Showing posts from October, 2022

Modest apparel

 We live in a world where nakedness is count as true beauty. Women have been deceived to think that they are only beautiful if they reveal their shape, their nakedness 💃🏽 But I'm here to tell you friend that true beauty is not found in nakedness, true beauty is found in modesty, loveliness of character. Matter of fact the more naked a woman walk around, the more worthless she probably feels inside 😔 A woman of character, a woman who truly value herself will not seek to show the world her nakedness but will seek to honor God by being modest in dress and will keep her nakedness for her husband only 😊.  For she knows that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit  God has called all holy women to modesty. Modesty doesn't mean you dont look beautiful but that you keep your body covered, your shape hidden from prying eyes. So ladies  seek to honor the Lord by being modest in dress and God will bless you because to be modest in this world takes courage 💪🏾  1 Timothy 2:9 In like

Keep your garment

 We are living in the last days and God is making final preparation to prepare His people to stand in these last days, to prepare His people to receive the latter rain of the Holy Spirit and as a result the Lord is shaking out many false converts. The Lord is shaking out many false converts in order to purify His church and make way for the millions who will soon flock to the church as a result of the loud cry of the third angel's message. Watch your garment 👔 of righteousness less you too be shaking out . A false convert is someone who attends religious services, even love religious services and participate in them but refuses to allow the Lord to purify their hearts ❤, he/she clings to some idol, refuse to sacrifice it on the altar and soon some difficulty comes and sweep them away into darkness. Many are being swept away into darkness because they are disappointed in the church 💒, some are disappointed in the way other church members treat them, some feel betrayed by other mem

The need for community 👥

 The Christian life is not easy. It is a battle and a March. And in every battle we need others to help us along. An army is not made up of one man 💂🏽‍♂️, an army is a community of people, who are together, fighting for a common goal. You need a community. The idea of going it alone is not Christian, God made us social creatures. The Lord said " it is not good that man should be alone ", this does not simply refers to marriage but to life. We were designed for relationships, for community. The Christian life is about relationships, community  It was when Eve was alone that the Devil 🐍 was able to tempt her and overcome her and so it is when Christian isolate themselves from community that the Devil is able to tempt them and destroy their faith. Show me a Christian who isolate him or herself and  you will see  someone who will soon apostasize Community keeps us accountable, community strengthen us, community encourages us, community teaches us how to have relationships with

He who finds a wife 👰🏽, finds a good thing

 This is an adulterous and sinful generation, the land is permeated by a spirit of harlotry, finding a wife, a good wife in this generation is like finding the mythical creature, big foot 👣. It is a miracle of God to find a good wife these days 👰🏽 Finding a good wife who loves the Lord. A wife who loves the Lord can be trusted, you know she won't cheat on you. A wife who loves her husband, a wife tho having flaws, recognize and pray about them is like precious ruby ♦️, a diamond hidden deep in the mountains. To find a wife, a good wife 👰🏽 in this generation of unfaithfulness, selfishness is a miracle of the Lord. To keep such a wife is an even greater miracle of the Lord. I thank God for such a wife, for only by His grace and love could I have found such a beautiful wife. But friend before you pray God for a good wife 👰🏽, ask the Lord to make you a man after His own heart, a man who loves the Lord so that you will not be unfaithful to your wife or mistreat her and bring mise

The power of tyranny ✊🏾: Social breakdown

 Recently I read this powerful article titled," the spirit of despotism: understanding the tyrant within. The article spoke about the nature of tyranny, how it comes about and how it maintains control over the masses. I want to focus on of the key ways the tyrant maintains control over the masses ⛓. "The illusion of solidarity: another important tool used by despots to maintain power is that of isolation. The very idea of totalitarianism implies the breaking down of lateral relationships between individuals- the original sense of community- in favor of strong ties to the state. This dissolution of the ties between people creates helplessness, dependency, and loneliness. Despots well understand the psychological vulnerability of humans, knowing that people are more easily manipulated when they feel isolated and powerless ". " Lacking other people to exchange opinions with and who can act as  reference points, isolated individuals gradually lose their common sense and

Relationships ❤

 Relationships 😍 ! All of life is about relationships. We have relationships with things, with people, you can't do anything in life that is not a relationship. In order to have a strong relationship with something or someone we need to put in time, good amount of time, quality time. Relationships cannot be rushed or speed up. Time has to be put in and the more time that is put in, the stronger the bond. True, loving relationships requires patience. These days  many seek to rush through things, trying to rush relationships but disaster has been the result.  Now there are two things we all have a relationship with in this world 🌏, God and sin. We all have a relationship with God, we either love Him or hate Him, either abiding in His love or running away from Him. Either His friend or His enemy 😔 We all have a relationship with sin. We either love our sins or hate them, want to get victory over them or want to stay married to them 👰🏽. We are either feeding our sins through what



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6