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Health message: A plant based diet is the way to eat

 When God created man, He gave him a plant based diet. The animals are also ceeatures of God and were not meant to be eating. They were meant to be our friends and companions. But because of sin, God allowed us to eat animal flesh after the global flood had destroyed vegetation. God allowed us to eat flesh meat but with limitation. We could only eat clean meat like chicken 🐔, goats , sheeps etc.. check the Book of Leviticus chapter 11 for more details. Animals like pigs , crabs 🦀, shrimp  are not to be eaten according to the word of God. 

Before the flood, man used to live for hundred of years. But after the flood  🌊 , our lifespan started to decrease drastically.  A study by Harvard researchers said " if you want to live longer, trade in some of the red meat in your diet for fish, nuts, whole grains, and other healthier protein sources."  The study was published in the Archives of internal Medicine. "It found that the risk of dying at an early age - from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause- rises in step with red- meat consumption."   

Study : too much red meat may shorten lifespan / Cnn health 

"After the flood the people ate largely of animal food  God saw that the ways of man were corrupt, and that he was disposed to exalt himself proudly against his Creator and to follow the inclinations of his own heart. And He permitted that long lived race to eat animal food to shorten their sinful lives. Soon after the flood the race began to rapidly decrease in size, and in length of years." 

( Spiritual gifts 4a:120,121,1864 (CD 373.3)

God allowed us to eat animal meat to shorten our lifespan 😬. Eating animal food is in some sense a judgment of God. God doesn't want us to eat animal flesh and thats why He gave the Israelites manna in the wilderness but they wanted animal flesh .

"The Lord did not give the Israelites flesh meat in the desert , because He knew that the use of this diet would create disease and insubordination.  In order to modify the disposition,  and bring the higher powers of the mind into active exercise, He removed from them the flesh of dead animals. He gave them angels' food, manna from heaven." ( Manuscript 38,1898) . 

Animal flesh is dangerous to our physical, mental and spiritual health. In these last days God want us to return to our original diet of plant based food. God wants us to be healthy spiritually, physically and mentally.

  But we have an enemy out there who wants our destruction . Satan inspired the Israelites to reject the manna and asked for flesh meat which lead to death of many in a plague from God. But now Satan is going even further, not only are we eating flesh meat, we are eating unclean food like pork 🐷, crabs, shrimp etc.. resulting in numerous diseases. But a new article said the United States government is approving lab grown meat sales to the public for the first time. Meat engineered by scientists using animal cells will soon be sold in restaurants . The company has no plans yet to distribute their products to retailers but eventually we know it will happen. 

In these last days Satan is seeking to destroy lives anyway he can and engineered meat in a lab sounds dangerous to our health. But friends, let us return to God's original plan for the human race, let us return to a plant based diet. A plant based diet will greatly improve your mind, your health etc.. God doesn't want His animals to continued to be slaughtered for our consumptions. Remember these animals can feel pain and suffering. Let us cooperate with God, let us decrease animal suffering in this world, let us protect our health and return to our original diet and you will see a massive difference in your life. A plant based diet is the way to go. May God help us .


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