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Showing posts from September, 2023

Who are you voting for ?

 Following politics in the United States in the last few years has been very educational. If one studies the war in heaven, the great controversy between Christ and Satan, we can see a lot of similarities. The US system of political campaign is adversarial by nature. Meaning one party against another. Democrats versus Republicans. The idea behind it is that we need different perspectives in other to have a working democracy,  a working system of governance. But having a system which pit one against another for the purpose of unity may work for a while but it will eventually lead to division and war . Someone said, " democracy has a lifespan of about 200 years and then it devolves into anarchy followed by tyranny." Democracy is mot sustainable in the long term. Democracy can only work in some measure if the people are moral and righteous, but when a people group become immoral and unrighteous as we are in these United States, democracy becomes oppressive. It becomes the tyrann

Thought I was free in my bondage

 Freedom! Who doesn't want to be free? We all want to be free. America is called the land of the free, the home of the brave. The cry of this land is " give me liberty or give me death." Freedom's definition according to the online dictionary is " the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. Liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another: in short to be free is to be independent. We all want to be independent, we all want to be free from the power of others. The problem is such independence simply doesn't exist in reality The truth is there is only one absolutely independent being in the universe, God. God is the only independent being in existence, He is the self existent One and sustain Himself. All other beings in existence are dependent upon God and all other beings are subject to His law. So the idea of being independent and doing your own will without restraint is simply false. God allows us the freedom to do

God is consistent in His dealings!

 God is consistent in His dealings with us! God can be trusted! When carefully studying the actions of God you will see that God can be relied upon. In this life we deal with lots of inconsistencies. Our work change, our neighbors move, our friendship get better or worse, we never know what tomorrow will bring, but the Lord is always the same day in and day out. Consistency builds trust and you can always trust in God, for God is consistent.  God is consistent in His dealings with the disobedient. God annointed Lucifer as the covering Cherub, the highest angel in heaven, the highest created being in the universe. God blessed Him with countless gifts 🎁 and honored him above all other creations. But Lucifer became proud of himself, he refused to serve God, he refused to fulfill the work God had appounted Him and wanted to be God Himself. He rebelled against the Lord and the Lord cast him out of heaven, created the human race to replace the devil and his angels. A second example of God&#

Learning to love: Relationship with God ❤

 Jesus said in John 17:3, "this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent." Many people desire to go to heaven, desire to have eternal life, but they ignore one thing, one crucial thing, eternal life is a life of relationships, a life of love with God. Without love, eternal life would be eternal hell 🔥, and to some degree many of us are experiencing some type of hell on this planet because of the lack of loving relationships.  God is love! Heaven is about relationships. Eternal life is about having an eternal loving relationship with God, Jesus Christ,  angels, each other  and all of God's other creations throughout the unfallen world. But we know that sin began in heaven, sin began in a place of love. So what is sin then ? Sin is the opposite of love . Sin is selfishness. Sin is doing things that destroy relationship with God for the sake of selfish purposes. Lucifer, the covering cherub was created perfect, meaning

Do not hide from the Lord!

 God is love ! God is compassionate, merciful, gracious, abounding in goodness and in truth. God loves you, God loves me. God loves me with an inginite love. A love that will take me eternity to begin to understand. God loves more than I can ever love myself, than anyone can ever love me. God so loves me and you that He would rather die than lose us for eternity.  God's love for me and you is incomprehensible . God loves you!  But sin has created a breach of trust between us and God so that we now see the loving Creator as someone who is seeking to destroy us. The moment Adam and Eve sinned, their perception of God changed. As before they used to come to God, now they fled from His presence. They used to enjoy His presence, now they hide from Him for fear that He would destroy them. But God did not come after them to destroy them, but He came after them to save them from ruin, to give them a promise of hope , and to lay down His life for them.  But many of us are continuing in the

The real issue with us

 What is the real problem with me, with us and society 🤔? Is it mental health? Is it economic? Is it loneliness? Is it lack of education? Is it physical health etc..? While all these things are problems, they are only symptoms of the real problem. The real problem with us is not physical at all. The real problem with us is spiritual and has always been. The real problem with us is separation from God, the source of life ! Right after Adam and Eve had sinned, they realized something they never felt before. They realized they were naked, nature seemed to change and Adam and Eve quickly sought to cover their nakedness with fig leaves. But what was the real issue with Adam and Eve 🤔? Was it a physical issue ? Was it a mental issue ? Was it an issue of the environment? No! Adam and Eve had a spiritual issue ,but they sought a physical solution to a spiritual issue ," fig leaves." So what was the real issue with Adam and Eve 🤔? The real issue was separation from God. Adam and Ev

For better or worse

 God is immutable and we are mutable. Immutable means unchanging over time or unable to be changed. God is unchanging! Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. God doesn't change, there is not even a shadow of changing with Him. It is impossible for God to change since He is eternal, infinite in wisdom. God knows all things. Change imply learning new things, new information. God doesn't learn anything new, God knows all things, created all things and rule over all things. God is immutable! All created beings are mutable! All created beings from the highest angel to lowest insect change. For the simple fact that all created beings are finite. Meaning they don't know everything, it is impossible for a created being to know everything. All created being are learning and are changing as they learn. Because change is a reality for a created being, for us, there exist then two simple choices 😬. We are either changing for the better or for the worse. All around us we are

Cling to Jesus

 This world is getting worse by the day. Temptations like  overwhelming flood are sweeping away many people into the darkness of the world and into everlasting destruction. Everywhere we look we see misery and ruins. Many are looking to politicians to solve the problems of the world, but politicians cannot solve the problems of the world. The problems of the world are beyond the capacity of human beings to fix. The problems of the world, of our lives are spiritual in nature and we need a spiritual solution.  We need to cling to Jesus . We must cling to Jesus when we are facing alluring temptations, Jesus will keep us standing. We must cling to Jesus when life seems overwhelming,  He will hide us under His wings. We must cling to Jesus when we face problems at home, at school, at work, with family, with friends, cling to Jesus and you will not be moved. Cling to Jesus and He will keep you. Life is unbearable without Jesus as your anchor. Fear, anxiety and depression will overwhelm you,



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6