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A nation in decay : President Biden's gay pride event

America is a nation in rapid moral decline and nowhere is this more evident than this past weekend when President Joe Biden hosted an LGBTQ+  event to celebrate homosexuality 🤦🏾‍♂️. How "a shining city on a hill " has fallen. America once a beacon of light to the rest of the world has become a sewer of moral stench 🤢, of moral corruptions. The president invited moral degenerates to come to the white house and put up the rainbow bow flag next to the American flag.  In inviting homosexuals to the white house, the president is shaking his fist in the face of God and promoting blatant rebellion against His rule. For God declared homosexuality to be an abomination and the sentence eternal death .

One of the homosexual deviants invited by the president to the white house who is "transgender," a deluded man who pretends to be a woman and has spent thousands of dollars on medical procedures to look like a woman took a video of him exposing his fake silicon breasts at the white house. Next to him were two "transgender men", two women who mutilated themselves, cut off their breasts to look like men with the scars visible  on their chests. They exposed themselves om video, with someone saying off camera ," are we topless at the white house 🏛?" Yes, they were topless at the white house. The white house, the seat of government is now a place for degenerates and sexual deviants.

An outcry erupted after the video and image of the topless act started circulating online. The white house then issue a statement condemning the act and banning the individuals who exposed themselves. The  White House called the act " inappropriate." Many people were outraged because the homosexual man exposed his fake silicon breasts and not necessarily becaused president Biden did something that was inappropriate in hosting such a wicked event in the first place. What will the King of the Universe say to President Joe Biden on that grear day of account, the day of judgment? Will he be banned forever from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his power ? Well friends, unless he repent.

President Joe Biden is a wicked man. Why is he a wicked man? Because he is promoting wickedness in the face of heaven. He is calling good what God call evil. Is president Joe Biden ignorant of his actions ? No! For the president claim to be a faithful catholic and the catholic church teaches that homosexuality is intrinsically evil. So the president is a wicked man for promoting what he surely knows to be evil and he is influencing many people to follow the LGBTQ  path to destruction. Unless the president repent from his sinful course, he will surely perish. Does God love the president? Of course he does and desire to save him just like He desires to save us. We must pray for the president .

We must pray for the president but we must not excuse his wickedness. Friends, it is dangerous to vote for political candidates for high office in these last days. A lot of these rulers are under the control of Satan and to vote for them is to vote for evil. The last few presidents have done some wicked stuff. Bill Clinton had sexual relationships with an intern. George Bush killed hundred of thousands with his wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama championed the homosexual marriage cause and had the white house lighted up with rainbow colors after the supreme court allow homosexuals to " marry each other." Donald Trump is a morally corrupt man with multiple marriages and adulterous affairs.

These last few rulers are clear evidence of a nation in decline and its not getting better. Proverbs 29:2 says," when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the mourn." Wicked people are ruling our nations and sorrows are coming upon us, economic, social and political.  The nation is in a rapid state of decline and I am afraid it is terminally ill. Our only safety is to flee to Jesus and find a shelter in His love. Tougher times are coming, for God is abandoning the nation to a depraved mind, to our own sins and Satan is in control of our leaders. Don't vote for wicked leaders, but preach the gospel of King Jesus. Jesus is coming again to judge the nations and will punish those who refused to repent from their wicked ways .


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