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Part 2 :The purpose of relationship is to invest in others

 Imagine you are an investor and as you walk by a certain neighborhood you see a messed up house , broken down and rejected . What would you do ? Well an experience investor will examine carefully the property and see if he can make a great profit and if he concludes that it is a valuable property , he will invest his money to purchase it, fix it up and then sell it at a greater price.  The value of something is determine by the price an investor , a buyer is willing to pay for it . Now we know the human race is of infinite value, we know each person , each human being is of infinite value. Why do I say that? The cost the greatest investor in the universe was willing to pay to purchase us, to redeem us was His own life. Jesus paid the price for your salvation with His own blood. You are of infinite value to God.

God is a God of relationship and relationship is about investing. God created us from the dust of the ground, He invested many great things in us. He gave us intelligence, beauty , wealth, health and every single thing we have is a gift from God, an investment. God want us to do the same, He wants us to invest in each other.  

In Proverbs 31 the Bible speaks of  the virtuous woman, the perfect woman. Every Christian man is looking for her and every faithful Christian woman are trying to be her . But there is one thing that is usually overlooked in our search for a virtuous woman, the fact that she is more precious than ruby . A ruby is a gemstone . According to, Ruby is one of the most popular traditional jewelry gems and is very durable. To find ruby one has to invest a lot. One has to either dig deep into the ground, in a gemstone mine, spending countless hours, going through all types of difficulty before he can find the ruby . Finding a ruby cost. Finding a ruby is not cheap. One doesn't find rubies on the ground lasting there and waiting for you. You either dig for it or spend a lot of money to get it . What's my point here ? My point is when it comes to romantic relationship you will not find the woman you were looking for, the perfect woman or man standing there and waiting for you. You have to invest in the relationship, you have to work hard, you have to add value to life of the individual.  If you want your spouse to be loving, you must invest love in him or her , you must show her how to love . Investment is like throwing money into something you think is valuable and will pay dividends in the future. You have to invest what you are looking for.

Friendship is no different . If you are looking for good, loving, faithful friends, you must seek to invest these qualities in the person first. You cannot expect to reap what you did not sow and many of us are sitting around looking for someone who will come and show us love while we do nothing. We are a self entitled generation, feeling like we deserve all sorts of things while doing nothing that is deserving . Relationship doesn't work like, you will receive what you invest.  A lot of us are lonely and miserable because we are too focused on our own needs and not the needs of others . Alife focused solely on what can get from others is a selfish life and you will be miserable. You will always feel like other people don't get you, don't understand you etc.. If you want to start living a fulfilling life, start investing in people. Start asking yourself what can I do to make the life of others better? How can I improve the lives of those around me. See friends, God is love, meaning God is always seeking to bless others, to improve the lives of others and to make the life of others a blessing . The Bible says, " Jesus went about doing good." Acts 10:38 . Jesus was never seeking His own good but the good of others. He was always seeking for someone to bless, someone to lift up . The key to relationship is to seek to provide value in the lives of others.  

"Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what can you do for your country." President John F Kennedy. If you are looking for a romantic partner, ask yourself, what am I seeking to do for that person ? How will I add value to the life of this person? Or am I only seeking for what can he/she do for me ?  Even in our relationship with God we can be very selfish, always seeking from the Lord, but never giving back . We don't back to God in our money, praise , efforts to evangelize and glorify His name on the earth. We are always coming into prayer asking God for this and that but not returning love in obedience and lovingkindness. 

All our relationships will drastically change if we have a shift of mindset . If we start seeking to invest in others instead of waiting for others to invest in us. Each and everyday let us seek for ways to make the lives of those around us a blessing, a kind word, a helping hand, encouragement etc.. When the goal is to be of value to others, we will seek to understand them, listen to them and find way to help them become better people than they were before. As we invest and we start to receive dividends we will rejoice and our lives will be fill with joy seeing others being blessed. It is truly "better to give than to receive."

God made us because He is love. He loves to give and He takes great pleasure in seeing His creation respond to His love. Even when we are deep in sin, broken and marred the Lord is seeking to invest in us blood and all the treasures of heaven to restore us to His image . God invest His love, His self sacrifice, His gift in us so that we may learn how to invest them in others. God's goal is to make us beautiful and lovely. Friends the goal of relationship is to be like God in how we treat others. When we see others who are broken, wounded , let us seek to invest in them. Don't just say this person is toxic, hopeless, but let us invest the good things we would like to see in them . Relationship is all about love and love is all about investing. All the things we invest in this world will perish, but if we invest in people and they make it to the kingdom of heaven, our great will be our joy. Relationship is about investing in others, let us therefore daily seek from the Lord so that we may invest in others and they in turn can give thanks back to God and so the whole circle of beneficence and love can go on for time and eternity. What a blessed place will eternity be when all are doing their all to increase the joy and happiness of others. May the Lord help us all to be like Him and to make it there .

Part one link : What is the purpose of relationship ?


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