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Showing posts from October, 2015

Deception; the weapon of Liberals(lawless)

"All warfare is based on deception". Sun Tsu This could not be more true when it comes to the battle being waged against the Truth, Biblical Christianity. It is impossible to fight against Christianity without resorting to falsehood and that is exactly what the proponents of liberalism or lawless ones  have realized.  They have made great strides in deceiving the masses and have gain great victories on their battle to bring us back into paganism and moral depravity. In this article the definition of liberals is those who promote lawlessness and depravity under the guise of freedom and progress . In this article we will go over three areas where this battle have been fought .     The  Three Key Battle Grounds of divorce, abortion and homosexual marriage * Divorce    Marriage, a commitment between a man and woman being the foundation of a healthy society is supposed to be a lifelong commitment. Divorce was allowed only in extreme cases such as adultery. But liberals



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6