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Showing posts from November, 2023

Counsel to those new in the faith

 I would like to address you who have come to a knowledge of the truth. You are young in the faith, and there is great need of your walking humbly with God, and of learning daily in the school of Christ by dwelling particularly in meditation and conversation upon lessons which He gave to His disciples. Walk in all humility of mind, distrustful of self, seeking wisdom from the God of wisdom, that all your ways and methods may be in firm and close connection with the ways and the will of God, that there may be no confusion... We must never forget how hard it is to remove long cherished errors from the minds of men, which have been taught from childhood. We must bear in mind that earth is not heaven and that there will be discouragements to meet and to overcome, but forebearance and tenderness and pity should be exercised toward all who are in darkness. If we bring them to see the light, it will not be solely by arguments, it must be by the work of the grace of Christ on your own hearts,

A safe place : grab hold of the Lord

 In a world of uncertainty we all are in need of something certain, something we can grab hold of. This world 🌎 is chaotic ! Things can change in a moment. In such a world full of chaos we are all in search of security, something or someone who will give us peace, certainty in the midst of the chaos. For many that someone was a parent 🤱🏽. As a child, the arms of the parent were our safe place. When we cry the loving parent rush to grab hold of us, to soothe us, to let us know I am here, be not afraid, I am here and you are safe. In childhood we grab hold of our parents and they provided a safe place, took care of us. For many of us the last time experienced a safe place in life was really in childhood. As we started going to school we started to realize we were not the center of other people's worlds. Other kids made fun of us, parents started to have less time for us and started to ignore our every tears. And so many of us start to find ourselves drifting into the darkness, lon

Sexual sins will ruin you

 Sex connects you at  a spiritual level with the other person. When done in marriage it connects you with  your  spouse  and glorifies God.  When done outside of marriage it not only connects you with the other person , but also connects you with the demonic spirits influencing you to commit the immoral acts. Sexual sins is one of the fastest ways to connect yourself with the Devil 😱. Sex after all is an act of worship and sexual sins bring demonic spirits into the most intimate union with you. Sexual sins establish a deep spiritual bond with the first person you sleep with. This is why breaking up with the first person you had sex with can have a serious impact on you emotionally, mentally and definitely spiritually.  You feel as if you are being torned apart , as if you are losing a part of yourself.  Truth is you are losing a part of yourselves. There are laws that are established by God. You can think whatever you want, but God's law like gravity cannot be broken. God declared

The Lord God will help me

 Children never ask parents to be made 🤱🏽. You have never a child saying parents please make me. It's a crazy statement right. It is the parents who decide to make children, therefore it is the responsibility of parents to take care of their children, the fruit of the womb 🤱🏽. A parent who bring children into the world and refuse to take care of them is a wicked parent. In our society we have many people running around giving birth to children like rabbits 🐇, living their best lives ,while neglecting to take care of their children. They leave it up to grandparents, to the government to take care of their children for them. These are irresponsible and selfish parents.  Don't have children if you don't want to take care of them and help them. It is not a sin not to have children. Its better not to have children than to bring them into the world and not help them. But it does come a time when a child think he is  grown and has no need of the parent's help. Some childr

God is faithful and true

 God is faithful and true. In a world of falsehood and unfaithfulness you can always put your trust in the Lord. People will say one thing and do another ,but you can always trust that God will do what He says. God cannot lie and His Word is certain. Even if you don't see it's fulfillment yet, wait on it for in due time it will come to past. God is true in His judgment. God declared to Adam and Eve on the day that you eat of the forbidden tree 🍇 you will surely die. The devil promised Eve that she would not surely die and what happened after Adam and Eve ate of the tree ? Death came into the world. For one man's sin, death passed to all men. Every time you attend a funeral or pass by a cemetary remember God's word , " on the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will surely die."  God's Word is true concerning your sins . The Lord says in the book of Ezekiel, " the soul that sin shall die." When you sin, any sin, death co



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6