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Showing posts from February, 2023

Never give up the fight! She fought back

  I read and watch something very disturbing recently. A young 24 year old  lady named Nashali Alma in Florida was working out at her apartment complex gym πŸ‹πŸ½‍♀️ and a man knocked to enter. She remembered seeing the man before at the complex gym and so she opened the door to allow him in. Soon after the man attacked her, the man fought her ,tried to pin her to the ground so he could rape her. But she fought back, she first ran away from the man after he had try to touch her, she took her phone out , to call 911 for help. The man ran after her and grabbed hold of her She fought back ! She believed she could win the struggle, she didn't give up, she fought back. In the video it clearly showed the man was stronger than her, the man was able to pin her to the ground but she fought back, she never gave up and she eventually got the man tired and he released his grip on her and she got up and fled. She escaped a rape from an evil man because she never gave up. She fought for her life,

The key to happiness

 If you look around you πŸ‘€, if you look at our world 🌍, all you will see is misery, gloominess and depression. It doesn't matter where you find yourself, if you look carefully you will see misery beneath the glamour , beneath the smiles, beneath the pretense. You go to a poor country and you see the misery is obvious. In a poor country you can see the people are skinny, they lack food, they lack many basic services and you will hear complaints about the failure of the government and the desire to move to a better pasture, a better country, even to America or western Europe. They think that by going to America and Europe, misery will be over. "They will have plenty of food and money to spare"  Many people think United States is "heaven on earth" and so many people take great risk to come to America, to come to "paradise." But is America "heaven on earth ?" Is misery absent from America's shores ? No, friends! Misery is as rampant on Ameri

To know is to trust !

  Imagine walking with a friend 🚢🏿‍♂️🚢🏽‍♀️ in a forest or a wooded area . You guys are having a good time talking about all sorts of things and suddenly your friend pull out a gun or knife πŸ—‘ and push you to the ground 😬! What would you do? What would you think ? This the end isn't it? I have been betrayed ? Or imagine you are having a major crises coming up and you have been asking a friend for help and instead of helping you prepare for the crises he starts fighting you and during the fight he wounded you in the thigh, leaving you crippled 😬. What would you think of such a person? Can such person be called a friend ? Or imagine you are having a serious difficulty and you have a friend who is an expert in the area you are struggling in, you call for him to come help you immediately and he delayed. Can you call such a person your friend ? See friends, to know is to trust. In the first story I left out an important clue, I didn't tell you that the friend with the gun or

Relationship build trust

  God is a person! What do I mean by that ? I mean that God is not some cosmic energy out there in space. He is not the "universe," He created the universe. Nowadays people talk about sending "positive vibes," pray to the universe ect.. All these are plots  of the enemy to destroy who God is in our minds. God is a person ! It means that God has feelings. He rejoices over us , He cries, He grieves over our sins. He loves,  He hates . God has feelings and the things we do affects Him. Because God is a person, He is interested in relationships with us. What ? The Eternal God is interested in a relationship  with lowly me ? Yes, God is interested in you Now that we understand that God is a person and is interested in a relationship with us, how do we develop that relationship? Does being religious mean you have a relationship with God? No. Does going to church mean you have a relationship with God? No. Let me break it down. You may go to church every weekend, you may se

Spiritual warfare

  War! War ! War! This world is a battlefield and there is no peace. Many people are deceived thinking this life is about living good, having fun and make money. But friends, the Bible clearly tells us we are involved in a great battle, a battle between Christ and Satan, good and evil. This battle is the greatest battle in the universe, it is the origin of all other human conflicts. This battle is fierce, relentless and its consequences are eternal. To be on the losing side of this great cosmic conflict is to lose eternal life. This battle is not a physical warfare but a spiritual one and hence our topic today is spiritual warfare. Are you fighting the good fight ? This world 🌍 is for the most part under the dominion of evil forces. Satan has conquered humanity. When Adam sinned in the garden, he was overcomed by Satan and became Satan's lawful captive. Adam's entire human family became the captive of Satan ⛓. Me and you were "shapen in iniquity and in sin our mothers con



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6