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Showing posts from April, 2023

Be valiant for the truth

  Our world is sinking deeper into spiritual darkness. Falsehood has grown strong in the land. People don't want to hear the truth anymore and I'm not only speaking about spiritual truth but any truth at all. People love lies and deceits, because lies and deceits make them feel better about themselves. The truth is hard to swallow, so people hate the truth and many stay far away from it. Many call those who speak the truth, haters. When you tell them the truth, they say you are spreading negativity. And so it is in this climate of falsehood that God has called us to be a witness for the truth. To proclaim the truth boldly, to attack the lies and set the captives free. The Christian must be valiant for the truth. The Christian cannot be a coward, for the Christian is a servant of God, a soldier of the Most High 💂🏾‍♂️ and as such he must follow the orders of His Sovereign. And the order the Lord has given us is to go throughout all the world to spread the gospel of  Jesus Chris

Love has to be demonstrated

 Love has to be demonstrated I love you ❤. How many times have you heard this word from someone and yet their actions say something different. I love but yet when I'm angry I curse at you. I love you and yet I use you for my own personal gain. I love you and yet I have no time for you. I love you and yet I dismiss your pain. I love you and yet I ignore your love language. I love you and yet I cheat on you. I love you and yet i have no patience, no compassion for you. I love you and yet I'm unwilling to forgive you when you make a mistake. We use the word love too casually. Words are easy to say. I can easily say I love you even though some people find saying it difficult. But truth is telling someone you love him/her is easy but demonstrating your love is a much harder proposition. The first problem with our " I love you," is that most people don't really understand what it means to love someone. When people think of love, they normally think of having "

The next stop on the train to destruction

I read an article recently about the United Nations that appears to be promoting sex with minors. "Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent may be consensual in fact, if not in law,"😯 the Geneva- based international commission of jurists wrote in March with an assist from UNAIDS and the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for human Rights. The report is title " the 8 March Principles for a human Rights- based approach to criminal law proscribing Conduct Associated with Sex, Reproduction, Drug Use,HIV, Homelessness and poverty. The next step on the speed  train to destruction 🚅 is Pedophilia.The normalization of sex with children .The LGBTQ + movement is a slippery slope of wickedness. Satan is behind the movement and Satan will not stop until he has destroyed all restraints and all of God's blessing to us. He has corrupted marriage through sex before marriage, adultery . Then he introduced homosexual ma

Sum of your choices

You are the sum of your choices. Who you are now are the results of the choices you have made in the past. We have many people in this world going around blaming everyone and everything for the situations they find themselves in currently. These people are afraid of being accountable. The truth is no one is responsible for your life, you alone are responsible and you alone will be held accountable.  But you say Ric, that's not true, my parents did this and that and those things make me who I am now. False, while parents do have great influence on their children, your parents are not responsible for your choices and for who you have become. Are your parents responsible for who you are today 🤔? No.While your parents influenced you greatly, they are not responsible for who you are today. Look at the life of your parents and ask yourself is my life the same ? The truth is you choose which part of your parents' teaching you wanted to follow and which part you wanted to reject. You

Samson vanquished!

Samson the Hebrew, the chosen of God, the mighty man 💪🏾, the Nazarite, the 7 dreadlocks one, the great warrior, a judge of Israel, tormentor of the Philistines, the one man army 💂🏾‍♂️, the champion of Israel is vanquished not on the field of battle surrounded by thousands of strong warriors, but on a woman's lap, in a bedroom 😮! How is it that the strongest man who ever lived is vanquished on a woman's lap, in a bedroom ?  You would think such a man would have fallen in the midst of battle with " garment rolled in blood." But no. Today we will look at how Samson, the mighty man was vanquished Samson was a man born with a mission. Chosen from the womb 🤰🏾by God Himself to begin the deliverance of the children of Israel from the Philistines. God gifted 🎁 him with great physical strength 💪🏾 to be used in his work of  delivering the people of God. God made a covenant with Samson. Judges 13:5, the angel of the Lord told Samson's mother," For behold, you w

The elites of this world are corrupt!

The Dalai Lama is one of the most famous religious leaders on this planet, a man of great influence, a respected world leader. Yet a video came out recently showing kissing a young boy on the lips and asking him to " suck his tongue" at a public event in India 🤢. The Dalai Lama,  Tenzin Gyatso, is the "holiest " figure in Tibetan Buddhism and has lived in exile in India since 1959, when Tibet was annexed by China. As he is the supreme Buddhist monk, he never married.  In the video in question, according to the guardian newspaper, a young male student approached a microphone at the event and asked the Dalai Lama: " can I hug you ?" The Dalai Lama, 87, told the boy to come up to the platform where he was seated. Motioning to his cheek, he is heard saying " first here", after which the child kissed him and gave him a hug. The Dalai Lama kept hold of the boy, saying " I think here also" and then planted a kiss on his lips 😱. " And su



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6