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Showing posts from May, 2023

No place found for them ! The curse of rebellion

 God declared through the prophet Samuel that , " rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshipping idols. So because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king." 1 Samuel 15:23. God said this in reference to King Saul 🀴🏽, but this apply to all who will not obey the Word of the Lord and choose their own path in life. Anyone who continues to reject the Word of the Lord in any particular in their lives will soon find themselves rejected by God. Lucifer found that out the hard way . Revelation 12:7,8. And there was war in heaven: Michael and His angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not ; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. The Devil and his Angels lost their place in heave, but why πŸ€”? Because they went to war against God ? But why πŸ€”? Why would the Devil make war against His Creator and hope to win πŸ€”? What kind of war was it ? Was it a physical war ? What was his

The blessings of submission

 We live in the time when pride and arrogance is the norm. Our generation is a proud and godless generation and as a result misery of all types is on the increase. Pride is a curse in  any heart where it is found. Pride destroyed a beautiful angel and it will destroy any heart which allows it to foster. Pride is the root cause of every toxic relationship and the failure of many relationships. As our society is becoming more proud, as more people are seeking to exalt themselves above one another, know for certain that relationships will become more difficult to maintain . The story of Hagar is an interesting one. Hagar was the slave girl of Sarah, Abraham's wife. Abraham and Sarah had no children and the Lord had promised to make Abraham a great nation. But Sarah, lacking faith in the promise, convinced Abraham to take her Egyptian servant Hagar as a second wife. Side note, in the Bible most people who had two wives had great difficulties, bad experiences. Having more than one wife

Loving you from afar ?

 In Revelation 21:8 the Bible named the "cowards" among those who will suffer the second death 😲. What is a coward?  According to the online dictionary,  " a coward is a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things." Love  is one of those dangerous and unpleasant things. We are living in a selfish, individualistic world and to love in such a world is a very dangerous undertaking. Love by definition expose us to great suffering. A heartbreak, a betrayal can be more severe than a gunshot or a wound by a sword. So as a result many people flee away from love so they can feel safe, the coward way of life . Loving others is hard, dangerous and can be a very unpleasant experience at times. Many Christians realised it . But as Christians we have a major problem. What problem is that ? Jesus, our Savior commanded us to love each other as He has loved us, He commanded us to love our enemies, to pray for those who persecute us and despitefully

Toxic christianity: Protecting my mental health by staying away from others

 In Matthew 28, Jesus said " go and make disciples of all nations." Christianity is all about relationships, all about friendship, all about discipleship. Discipleship requires close intimacy. Look at Jesus and the disciples,  they went everywhere together, they ate together, attended feasts together, travel together. For 3 and half years they were his closest family on earth. Each disciple had their own personality, own aspirations, own motive for following Christ and yet He loved them all. Rivalries existed among the disciples and yet Jesus loved them all and kept them close to His heart. Why ? Because Jesus is love . But we now have a christianity that is no longer following the Master's example, we now have a toxic christianity who's example is the selfish world out there. God called us to be the head, to be the one leading, but sadly most Christians are the "tail," following the world and its godless examples. Our society is experiencing a loneliness ep

Where selfishness goes to die

 Marriage is the place where selfishness goes die. There are two options in marriage. Either your selfishness will die or your marriage will πŸ€΅πŸΎπŸ’”πŸ‘°πŸ½. I read a sad story about Republican House representative Lauren Boebert divorcing from her husband of nearly two decades. "Boebert said there were "irreconcilable differences " in their relationship.  That statement right there," irreconcilable differences, " is code word for one of us is selfish or both of us are selfish and we are unable to die to our selfishness, so we will destroy the marriage instead so that the self can continue to live . After 20 years of marriage,  a divorce . Can you imagine the pain, the suffering?  Marriage is where selfishness goes to die πŸ’€. Marriage was designed in such a way that selfishness can't survive in there. For marriage is all about two individuals, with different upbringings, different ideas, different way of seeing things coming together to function as ome unit. By

Character is revealed in time of crises

 Many people claim to be whatever they want to be, but in time of crises our true natures are revealed. Crises and trial are God's tool of fashioning and revealing character, of making manifest the hidden things of the heart ❤ Many people claim to be Christians, claim to love God until a serious crises hit them. Then their true natures are revealed. In moment of crises many abandoned the faith. The Covid pendemic proved such. Before covid maby churches used to be packed.  But the pendemic has revealed many to have been false Christians, they fell away from tje assembly of the brethren and back into the darkness of the world. Many claim to love God, but when a sickness hit them, financial failures, the loss of loved ones, then we truly see whether they were true Christians or not. Adversities have a way of separating the real from the fraudsters  Many claim to be a Christians, claim to be loving, but the moment we encounter someone who is difficult we reveal our true unloving nature

Faithful and true

 How many of us can claim to be faithful and true ? How many of us can claim to know someone who is faithful and true ? Someone you can bet your life on ?  Its difficult, I know. We are living in a time when its hard to trust anyone, a time during which you cannot trust the word of most people. People will tell you one thing and do something completely different.   Around us all we find are unfaithfulness and falsehoods. Marriage is a perfect example πŸ€΅πŸΎπŸ‘°πŸ½. People come together on the altar before the Lord and witnesses, claiming to love each other until death do us apart and within 7 years of marriage about 50 percent get a divorce πŸ’”, breaking their vows and proved to be unfaithful. Politicians are unfaithful and false. They promise one thing and when they get into power do something completely different. Our friends, loved ones make promises to us and at the time of need, time of testing many a times proved unfaithful and false. We ourselves have been unfaithful and false to othe



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6