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Showing posts from 2024

Living in a politheistic society

 What is a politheistic society ? A polytheistic society is one in which people worship multiple gods and goddesses. In our society we have different religions, we have multitudes of denominations and we have things like atheism and witchcraft.  Religious faith in such a society become confused. Everybody believes they are right and so the mantra in such a society becomes "live and let live." People will say ," you have your truth and I have my truth."  And yet these truths are in contradiction to each other . How does that impact Christians? Many Christians become paralyzed. Fearful of confronting others if their errors because they might be labeled as extremists. As a result we become open minded, accepting everyone with their particular belief system and celebrating with everyone in their beliefs. Ecumenism is the result. Everyone coming together in "religious harmony" while they believe things that are in complete contradiction.   Accepting the beliefs...

Finding freedom from society

 Society will enslave you! Not that society does it on purpose. It's not like there is someone sitting behind a desk somewhere plotting to enslave the masses, its possible there are such people, but this not what I am speaking about here. I am speaking about the nature of human society inevitably enslaves the masses. How does society enslaves ? Society is made up of a group of people. Human beings are social creatures. In order for human beings to live in harmony we create social norms. We come up together and define things. We say this is acceptable and this is not acceptable.  Now there is nothing wrong with having norms that facilitate peace and harmony between people. The enslavement begin when society starts to define what life is about for people as a whole . A society will teach young women what it means to be beautiful. They will say a truly beautiful woman is one who has a strechted out neck or one who has a narrow waist or a curved figure etc..And automatically any w...

Life's purpose

 A life without a purpose is a living death. In our time many are living without purpose and as a result life can be painful. Depression is rampant where no purpose is. Life without purpose deteriorates into a search for pleasure and the desire to numb the self with all manner of drugs and distractions. You can tell for many people in America that life is without a purpose because life is mainly focused on escaping reality for many.  Is getting money 💵 life's purpose ? No! Making money is not the purpose of life. While money is needed to facilitate life in this world, it cannot be the purpose of life. Purpose is more than making money . What is purpose 🤔 When speaking of purpose we are talking about the fundamental reason for the existence of something.  We weren't created and brought into this world to make money. There are primitive societies in the world that doesn't use money and yet they have a purpose and sometimes enjoy life more than us living in the rich wester...

The love of money 💵: A corrupting influence

 The Bible says," the love of money is the root of all evil." 1 Timothy 6:10. Yet, if one was to walk around and ask most people do you love money ? The answer would be no. Especially in a Christian setting the response will definitely be no, but the reality shows different.  What does it mean for a person to love money or for a society to love money ?  Does it mean you go around saying " I love money?"  No! America is a capitalistic society. What does it mean ?  A capitalist society is an economic system where private individuals and organizations own the means of production, and the market determines prices and distribution of goods.  The main characteristic of capitalism is the drive to make a profit.  America is all about making money.  Majority of people in America are all chasing after money.  When getting money is the goal of life, the society is corrupted, the individual is corrupted. This is what it means to love money ❤💵. Its for t...

The spiritual nature and the degradation of marriage

Man was made in the image of God.  What does it mean to be made in the image of God? What is God like ? The Bible says "God is a Spirit." What comes to mind when you think of a Spirit? You think of something not limited by physical restraints, something unseen, something greater than the physical.  God made man in His image, He made a spiritual being covered by an earthly body. We all have the breath of God within us, we all have a spirit within us. The spirit within is the real person, the character.  With the spiritual nature we relate to God and with the earthly nature we relate to the earth.  So let's break it down a little bit so we can understand . What are the things we find in the spiritual nature ?  In the spiritual nature we find love, patience, longsuffering, mercy etc.. The spiritual nature is all about relationships, that's the most important to the spiritual nature, its highest goal. Why do I say this ? Remember what we said in the beginning, "God ...

Enduring to the end ! A look at the lessons of the presidential election of 2024

 Former president Donald Trump has gained victory in the presidential election. Many around the nation and the world are shocked and astonished at the extraordinary success. How can a man who left Washington in disgrace in the eyes of many in January 2021 return to the highest office in the land ? Many thought at that time that Mr Trump was politically done and burried , here we are with him as the president elect . How did Mr Trump do it ? He had a goal, the presidency and he persevered until the very end. Mr Trump was undeterred and unrelenting. He had set his face like flint and basically said no matter what comes my way, I will persevere until the very end. I remember reading an article after some negative event and Mr Trump saying he is as motivated as ever to run to race and win the biggest political prize in the world .  On the way to his presidential election triumph Mr Trump faced lawsuits, criminal cases, assassinations attempts,  being abandoned by many in his ...

A new American golden age! Prosperity and safety ?

 The 2024 United States' presidential election is all over and former president Donald Trump has prevailed decisively over vice president Kamala Harris. It completed a historic comeback for Mr Trump who survived two assassinations attempts, faced numerous criminal cases and had a criminal conviction. Trump has returned to the white house, a feat that has not been done since the late 1800s. How did Trump managed to do it ? Many in the media are saying one of main thing that has brought Trump back to power is the economy. Americans are going through tough times because of inflation, the housing market, the price of groceries etc.. While the mainstream media has been saying the economy is doing good, the common person is not seeing and so they rejected the incumbent Kama Harris. Trump focused heavily on the economy and it helped propel him to victory . This is an age of economic and global anxiety. Trump campaign on bringing back American prosperity. Trump's campaign slogan is Mak...

Pride and it's curse

 Pride is something we all deal with. Pride is the attempt to fill our internal void. We all are born empty. We all are born with a void. And soon as we start to become self aware, we start to notice the differences between the self and others, we start to notice our strengths and our weaknesses. We start to notice our smallness in the world, we start to notice our vulnerabilities in the world, we realize at a certain age we are naked and we quickly seek to hide our nakedness with the covering of pride . We start to compare ourselves with others to see how we are better or worse than them. So we internally ask ourselves how can I be better than the next person? How can I exalt myself higher than the next person? Pride is all about competition, being better than the next. Some ways pride is display are  1. Trying to be the most beautiful  2. Having the most money  3. Being the most intelligent  4. Dressing the best way  5. Thinking you don't need anybody...

Why is marriage good in our society? 🤵🏾👰🏽

 In our current society marriage gets a bad reputation in the eyes of many. And to tell you the truth, marriage can look very scary depending on where you look. Divorces are rampant in the church and in the world and for many people marriages seems to be more  of a curse than a blessing. For many people marriage is a hellish experience and they wouldn't wish it on their worse enemy. Marriage can make and break you depending on who you choose for a spouse. Marriage is a serious thing and it requires deep thoughts before you get into it, much thoughts and even more prayer. The worse mistake you can make is to be blinded by emotion and get into a marriage, reality can soon make you regret it. But beside the scary aspect of a bad marriage, it can be a beautiful experience if we understand its true purpose. A successful marriage, based on Divine principles also has its challenges, but can be very beautiful and I think in our current society, marriage is needed more than ever ....

Breaking down the door of decency:Paris 2024 last supper mockery ( days of Lot )

  In the Bible we read the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomarrah. God had sent to angels to rescue Lot, thd nephew of Abraham. The angels appeared as men, Lot who was sitting at the gates of Sodom saw the strangers coming and offered them hospitality at his home. The strangers resisted his offer for a while, claiming that they would rather sleep in the streets, but Lot showed great concern and they soon relented and accepted his offer of hospitality. So the angels went with him to his house . Genesis 19:4-7. But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter: And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, where are the men which came in to thee this night ? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them. And Lot went out at the door unto them, and shut the door after after him. And said, I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Because the two angels had delayed in accepting L...

Who is to blame for the world's misery? My part in human suffering.

 When we look at the world, we can see a lot of suffering. Every where the cry of suffering humanity is ascending to heaven. But who is to be blamed for all of this suffering? Do I play a part in the world's misery 🤔? In this blogpost, we will take a short look at how misery spreads and our part in it. The way of suffering. In the beginning, God made man perfect; male and female He created them and put them in a perfect garden. He gave them a commandment not to eat of the forbidden tree 🍇. But the devil 🐍 came into the garden and he tempted the woman to eat of the tree. The woman was seduced, the devil overcame her and she then went on her own to tempt her husband to follow her in the path of sin. The man ate of the forbidden fruit and the rest is history, suffering is now widespread.  The blame game.  After sin, comes the blame game. The man and the woman blame others for their own actions. The man blames his wife, the wife blames the serpent and God judged them all. ...

A new Constantine: Will Trump become more religious ?

 On October 28, 312 AD, the battle of the Milvian bridge took place between Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius. Rome was in the midst of a civil war . Constantine won the battle and started on the path that led him to become the sole ruler of the Roman empire. But something interesting happened before the battle, Constantine who was a pagan at the time claimed to have received a vision from God. On October 27 with the armies preparing for battle, Constantine claimed to had a vision which led him to fight under the protection of  the Christian God. According to the message of Eusebius of Ceasarea, around noon, Constantine saw a luminous cross in the sky and under it the inscription in Greek," in this sign thou shalt conquer. " Constantine also claimed to had a dream in which Christ commanded him to use the sign of the cross against his enemies. Constantine became the first emperor to convert to Christianity.  He ended the policy of persecuting Christians and in 313...

Freedom is not free

 Today is 4th of July, the day America celebrates its independence from the British empire. It's a day of freedom from the oppression of the British crown, a day of rejoicing.  But friends this freedom wasn't given, it wasn't free because freedom is not free. The founding fathers of the United States had to fight for American independence. King George of England would not simply allow them to walk away free. He sent soldiers to crush the rebellion. Blood was shed for the freedom we enjoy today. It was a long and bitter fight until the Americans prevailed and the British empire retreated.  Likewise in the spiritual struggle against sin, the Devil and the world freedom is not free. The devil will not allow his captives to go away away freely, he will fight to the bitter end to keep us in the chains of sin. If we want to be free we must be willing to fight, we must be willing to crucify sin in our lives, we must be willing to die in the battle.  Jesus is our great Capta...

Counterfeit morality: A deeper look, the naked truth

 Recently I saw an article on CNN that spoke about what not to do at a nude beach. They were basically the unwritten laws to regulate behaviors on a nude beach. The article had as part of its title, " lose your clothes but not your manners." And I was like this is interesting.  In a moment it reveals the modus operandi of this evil world. The way Satan ensnares the masses into a sense of self righteousness when in reality they are promoting and taking part of evil. One of the laws at a nude beach was don't look down and don't compliment people on their bodies . This whole thing would have been hilarious if it wasn't such a wicked thing. Now the person who goes to such a place and keep the laws of that place will consider himself a moral person, because he did not look down at a naked person talking to him, nor make compliments on their bodies. He will probably condemn someone else who failed to do these things, who failed to keep the nude beach's morality as a...

Oppose the promotion of homosexuality

 Would allow a friend to eat poison ? Would you support a friend that is drinking down poison ? Would you justify the drinking of deadly poison in church? Would you say live and let live concerning someone who is seeking to drink poison ? Unless you have a cruel heart, you would do no such thing. But for some reason many people are cheering as a vast minority of our human family are drinking down the poison of homosexuality. Homosexuality is not natural, it is an abomination,  an abnormality, an evil, a wicked thing in the eyes of God. According to the Word of God, the sentence for homosexuality is death. No unrepentant homosexual will enter the kingdom of heaven.  A man who choose to sleep with a man has a serious mental issue and a woman who chooses to sleep with a woman has similar mental issue. God made the woman for the man and the man for the woman. Opposite attracts, the different sexual parts show that they are made for each other. But a homosexuality is an aberra...

God is love : seeking the good of others

 God created for rhe purpose of love. Not because He needed any love for He is all sufficient, but for the purpose of sharing His great love with created beings. What then does it mean to love ? To love is to give, to seek for the highest good of another. They are many things that masquerade themselves as love,but under close scrutiny will prove to be selfishness.  An example of what love is not is having sex with someone you are not married to. A man will tell his girlfriend, "I love you and you know I am going to marry you, so its okay for us to get intimate before marriage since we are going to get married anyway." Is this love ? No, its not. Its lust, its selfishness masquerading as love.  There are at least two things lacking here and with out these two things you can't have love. Patience and self control. In order to love someone else you must be patient with them, to love someone else require great self control . The boyfriend or girlfriend demonstrated lack of lo...

The United States and the coming mark of the beast

 The mark of the beast, the dreaded mark of the beast spoken of in the book of revelation chapter 13 is coming and it is hasting greatly.  But many are still in darkness concerning what the mark of the beast is and how it will come. In this study we will go over some key things concerning the mark of the beast. The first question is what is the beast ? The beast spoken of is beast that look like a lamb 🐑 in Revelation chapter 13, but the Bible says it speak like a dragon. What is a beast in Bible prophecy? A beast in Bible prophecy is a symbol of a nation. Its nothing strange to us these days. If I was to show you an eagle 🦅 and ask you what country does it represent? You will easily say it represents the united states. If i was to show you a bear 🐻 you will say Russia. In the book of daniel chapter 7, the Bible clearly break down the principle that a beast is a symbol for a nation, a kingdom, an empire.  So in Revelation chapter 13 we see two beast, one has 7 heads an...

A beautiful woman ( wife )

 What makes a woman beautiful 🤔? Is it her face? Is it her hair? Is it her body shape ? You know the magazines have different metrics for judging the beauty of a woman.  The different measurements such 34B, 30, 36 are used to define a beautiful shape. The beauty pageants have all sorts of different standards  such as height, slim fugures etc.. The magazines,  the pageants will present us with a woman and say this is the most beautiful woman in the world. And many men then wish they could have a woman just like her, many women wish they could have a face and body just like her . But when you look at that same woman, you find that they can't keep a marriage, can't keep a man Why can't a beautiful woman keep a man 🤔? A beautiful woman can probably get many different man to sleep with her, but it may be difficult for her to keep a man. Many of the woman society call beautiful become arrogant and shallow. The physical appearances easily attract many a shallow man, but t...

A love affair with the Devil ❤😈. Do you love the Devil ?

 Hereafter I will not talk much with you. For the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me. John 14: 30. Jesus called Satan the prince of this world, the ruler of this world and Jesus said the Devil had nothing in His life. Basically there was nothing in Jesus' life that Satan could claim as his own. Jesus was free of sin and therefore was free from the Devil's control, from the Devil's kingdom. Me and you cannot utter such a statement, for me and you were born in sin, born captive to Satan's kingdom, born a slave. Sin belongs to Satan! Sin is Satan's product, his art, his merchandise and whoever sin belongs to Satan's kingdom. All of us have sinned and therefore all of us at one point belonged to Satan's kingdom of darkness. But my topic today is not whether you belonged at one time to Satan's kingdom, but do you have a love affair with the Devil 😮? You may say Ric, what type of question is that, I am not a Devil worshipper, I don't prac...



Modern Man

Modern Man
We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6