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A new American golden age! Prosperity and safety ?

 The 2024 United States' presidential election is all over and former president Donald Trump has prevailed decisively over vice president Kamala Harris. It completed a historic comeback for Mr Trump who survived two assassinations attempts, faced numerous criminal cases and had a criminal conviction. Trump has returned to the white house, a feat that has not been done since the late 1800s.

How did Trump managed to do it ? Many in the media are saying one of main thing that has brought Trump back to power is the economy. Americans are going through tough times because of inflation, the housing market, the price of groceries etc.. While the mainstream media has been saying the economy is doing good, the common person is not seeing and so they rejected the incumbent Kama Harris. Trump focused heavily on the economy and it helped propel him to victory .

This is an age of economic and global anxiety. Trump campaign on bringing back American prosperity. Trump's campaign slogan is Make America great again. He promises to make the border secure again, to bring global peace and to make the American dream a reality, to bring prices down and make things affordable. In short Trump promises to bring a "new American golden age of peace and prosperity," as he said in his victory speech. But will he succeed? 

While I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet,  one thing I do know is that we are living at the very end of time and the word of God has revealed to us how the end of time will look like so we can know and get ready.

And one of the things the Bible tell us to watch out for is when we start hearing of " peace and safety." And prophecy tells us when the people start talking about bringing prosperity back, then we know greater ruins are ahead and the end of all things is at hand .

1 Thessalonians 5:3

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

We are now hearing a lot of calls for peace and safety, the scriptures warns that more calamity are on the way. The calamities are like labor 🤰🏽telling us the Lord is about to return and is warning us to turn from sin and find true security and peace in Jesus.

More disaters are on the way ! Don't believe in the peace and safety message, don't believe in a new golden age of America. We are living in the end of time and things are about to get worse. Soon the rulers will realise they can't fix the problems sweeping the nation, sweeping the world and there will be a call for a religious law, to return to God and the make Sunday the national day of rest, contrary to the Sabbath commandment in the Bible.

 It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced; and that those who present the claims of the fourth commandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday, are troublers of the people, preventing their restoration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.

Great controversy 590

So will president Trump be able to deliver a new golden economic era to America as he has promised?

We will have to wait and see, but the prophetic word is not too much on his side, the prophetic map is showing more calamities, more financial collapses which will not stop, but increase in intensity until Christ appears in the clouds of heaven to take those who have made Him their safety and prosperity.  Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Danger ahead!


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