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Pride and it's curse

 Pride is something we all deal with. Pride is the attempt to fill our internal void. We all are born empty. We all are born with a void. And soon as we start to become self aware, we start to notice the differences between the self and others, we start to notice our strengths and our weaknesses. We start to notice our smallness in the world, we start to notice our vulnerabilities in the world, we realize at a certain age we are naked and we quickly seek to hide our nakedness with the covering of pride . We start to compare ourselves with others to see how we are better or worse than them.

So we internally ask ourselves how can I be better than the next person? How can I exalt myself higher than the next person? Pride is all about competition, being better than the next. Some ways pride is display are 

1. Trying to be the most beautiful 

2. Having the most money 

3. Being the most intelligent 

4. Dressing the best way 

5. Thinking you don't need anybody 

Pride is all about promoting the self at the expense of others to fill the void of others. Pride make us feel good when others notice our covering, the external object we used to cover our inner void, such as someone saying  " man you look good in that suit 🤵🏾." But pride leave us devastated when our covering is not seen, or worse rejected and made fun of. Such as ," that's the ugliest suit i have ever seen."  While pride is all about self exaltation, all its glory depends on the approval of other people. Pride makes us slaves to others .

Pride is a curse because pride is solely focus on the external while the internal self is neglected.  Pride is solely focused on how others will see me and not on how God sees me and being genuine. Pride will make you take a job you hate just because of the title of the position. People honor you for your title, while the job is stressing you out. Pride make you get into a relationship just so people can see you are married now. Pride makes you get into a fight just so people won't say you are coward. Pride make you lose your virginity just so people think you are grown. Pride make you walk around naked just so people can think you are sexy, while cheapening yourself. 

Pride make you get 3 jobs, have no time for your family, just so you can have a big house you barely have time to sleep in 🏡. Pride is a curse to us, because pride enslaves us to the opinions of others, society while we ignore our internal wellbeing. 

It was pride that caused Lucifer to continue in sin, even when he knew he was wrong. Pride made him afraid of admitting his fault and to confess them to God. Pride destroyed his relationship with God, pride cast him out of heaven and he continue to fight against God to save face .

Pride destroys love. Pride is all about the self, not others. Pride is all about how others view me and not i am truly am. Pride makes it difficult for others to love us because we don't allow others to get that close to us for fear they will discover we are frauds, we are not who we proclaim to be. And if we don't allow others to get close to us they can never truly love us, because whatever they love will not be truly us, but a mask, covering and not the real person. As a result of our pride, we feel unloved, unknown and lonely .

Pride is a curse to the human race, because it  turn us into frauds. Pride turn us into night creatures, hiding at the slightest appearance of light. Pride hates the truth because the truth expose the falsehood. Pride cause us to lose touch with our own inner selves.  Pride creates mental trauma because we present to the world something that we are not.

Pride make it also hard to love others because the proud person usually see others as someone to satisfy their own emptiness, not as someone to cherish and love. Pride has no conception of love, but see everything and everyone as something to consume and when no longer needed discard of. 

Pride is a curse 

Pride leads to despair and all sorts of misery. How many people are in financial debt because they bought stuff they couldn't afford to show off to people who didn't care ? 

How many people are in miserable marriages because they married someone to fulfill their own lust but not for who the person is truly is ?

How many people are still going down a wrong path in life because pride won't allow them to admit they were wrong?

Pride is a curse to the heart in which it is found and all of us are proud .


Pride start losing its cursed hold on us, when we begin to expose our emptiness to God in prayer, when we begin to expose the fraud that we are to God in prayer. And say Lord, I  feel worthless,  I try to cover my worthless feelings pride, I try to cover my worthless feelings by trying to be more beautiful than others, having more money than others, getting this, getting that etc.. but at the end of it, I still feel empty. I boast of my success but inwardly im just an empty soul with nothing of true worth to offer to anyone. 

Then the Lord will begin to fill you up with things of true worth, the Lord will begin to free you from the slavery of pride. What are things of true worth ? What are things that are better than money, beauty etc??

1. Love , to love and to be love 

2. Patience, to be patient with self and others

3. Joy, to have joy in the heart no matter what 

4. Humility, to value other people 

5. Gentle, to be gentle with others 

6. To be true to who you are 

Pride is a curse. It leads to hiding your true self, leads to conflict with others, leads not feeling loved and not being able to love. Pride leads to slavery of all kinds .

All of us are proud , but the Lord can set us free from our proud attitude. 

The key to freedom from the destructive power of pride is to humble ourselves to God, acknowledge our nothingness and ask Him to fill our empty soul with His Holy Spirit. 


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