What is a politheistic society ?
A polytheistic society is one in which people worship multiple gods and goddesses.
In our society we have different religions, we have multitudes of denominations and we have things like atheism and witchcraft.
Religious faith in such a society become confused.
Everybody believes they are right and so the mantra in such a society becomes "live and let live."
People will say ," you have your truth and I have my truth." And yet these truths are in contradiction to each other .
How does that impact Christians?
Many Christians become paralyzed. Fearful of confronting others if their errors because they might be labeled as extremists. As a result we become open minded, accepting everyone with their particular belief system and celebrating with everyone in their beliefs.
Ecumenism is the result. Everyone coming together in "religious harmony" while they believe things that are in complete contradiction.
Accepting the beliefs of everyone is simply cowardice. God has not called us to cowardice. Truth exist and we must preach what is right. While respecting every single person as a creature of God, we must actively work to promote the truth of God as it is found in the Bible. We must bodly say atheism, Islam, Hinduism etc.. are false religions. We must preach against the lack of love in the heart of many Christians and we must promote Jesus Christ as only Savior.
In a politheistic society we must be bold. We must confront the lies in our own belief systems, the lies of our own hearts and the lies of the society.
Our society wants us to be passive concerning our beliefs, but we must be bold and valiant for the truth.
If you believe in the Truth of God, preach it, proclaim it and your faith will strengthen.
Don't wait until you know a lot to stand for God, preach what you know now and as you do, the Holy Spirit will guide you.