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Counterfeit morality: A deeper look, the naked truth

 Recently I saw an article on CNN that spoke about what not to do at a nude beach. They were basically the unwritten laws to regulate behaviors on a nude beach. The article had as part of its title, " lose your clothes but not your manners." And I was like this is interesting.  In a moment it reveals the modus operandi of this evil world. The way Satan ensnares the masses into a sense of self righteousness when in reality they are promoting and taking part of evil. One of the laws at a nude beach was don't look down and don't compliment people on their bodies . This whole thing would have been hilarious if it wasn't such a wicked thing.

Now the person who goes to such a place and keep the laws of that place will consider himself a moral person, because he did not look down at a naked person talking to him, nor make compliments on their bodies. He will probably condemn someone else who failed to do these things, who failed to keep the nude beach's morality as a perverted person, a wicked person with no self control. And truth is this is the point wanta to bring all of us. The point where we thing we are righteous because we keep the laws of evil while in complete disobedience to God. 

Brother! Are you saying there shouldn't be any laws to regulate people's behavior on a nudist beach ? How can we ensure the nudist experience is a pleasant one for all involved? This is where the world ensnare us as Christians and many of us fall for the trap, until they get us to agree yes there should be laws regulating behaviour on a nudist beach and yes, anyone who violate these laws should be considered perverts. But as Christians we would never fall for such counterfeit morality if we make God's Word the standard of all morality. 

So how would I respond to the question, shouldn't there be laws to regulate the behaviors of nudists on a nudist beach to prevent evil from happening ? I would answer by saying we can prevent evil from happening on a nudist beach by not having such a wicked thing in the first place. To have a nudist beach is wicked thing and a sin against the Lord.  And that it's not just the man who breaks the nudist laws who is a pervert, but everyone who attends such a place is a pervert. We must stand on God's morality and not man's counterfeit morality and outrage.

Our society has many such counterfeit morality.  One of them is the " age of consent for sex." God says that sex is only between a man and a woman who are married. But men says no, we don't like God's standard. We want to have sex without being married, but we need to set some rules regulating the evil . So we will set up an age of consent arbitrarily  and anyone who violate our new morality will be considered a pervert. And so in some society the age is 18, 15, 11, 16 etc.. If a man who is 21 sleep with a girl who is 17, we say he is a pervert. But if the same man sleep with a girl who just turn 18 a minute ago, we see him as a good man, a law abiding citizen. But God sees both men as evil.

To have sex without being married is the evil. Having an age of consent for sin doesn't make it right. As Christians we should promote the need to obey God's  and in obeying God's law, we will keep a standard higher than man's corrupt laws. A man who refrain from sex until he gets married and refrain from sex outside of marriage will never commit the violation of society Pedophilia laws. But the laws of consent can easily be changed in a society if enough people challenge it. God's law never changes because God's law is perfect .

We find many other instances in all societies of men breaking God's law and coming up with counterfeit morality. Such as God calling abortion murder, but society calls it a woman's right to choose . God calling homosexuality an abomination, but society calling it an alternative lifestyle. And many times the church follow the culture's morality and not God's Word. So when the culture shift , the church also shift. 

50 years ago, homosexuality was condemned as a sin by both the culture and the church, but today the culture has accepted homosexuality and many churches are following. Today the culture and church condemns Pedophilia,  but in a few  short years as wickedness increases  and justification is found in the society to make Pedophilia legal by calling today's pedophiles,  "minor attracted persons," the church who is following the culture's counterfeit morality will follow.  

Society's morality changes like the wind, but the Word of abides forever. Today society condemns a person for something, tomorrow they ask for apologies and exalt the same person. Yesterday being a homosexual was the worse sin, today being a homosexual is celebrated with a whole month. Today being a pedophile is condemned, but tomorrow who knows what will be exalted.  Also remember  ancient cultures like the Greeks,canaanites practice evils like Pedophilia, bestiality,incest etc.. Society is for the most part under the control of Satan, and it's morality are just evil counterfeits.

But the Word of God reveals true morality, reveal true righteousness. And the Word God tell us that all have sin and come short of the glory of God. So let's not follow the shifting winds of culture for our morality,but let us preach the Word of God in condemning sin and in preaching mercy to the sinner. In the eyes of society the fornicators, homosexual are respected and the pedophile condemned, but in the eyes of God all are wicked individuals in need of Divine grace and mercy. So let us preach against all sin, while offering mercy to all sinners no matter how odious and offensive their sins may be. God's morality is the only true morality. Let us live by every Word that comes from the mouth of God.


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