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A new Constantine: Will Trump become more religious ?

 On October 28, 312 AD, the battle of the Milvian bridge took place between Roman Emperors Constantine I and Maxentius. Rome was in the midst of a civil war . Constantine won the battle and started on the path that led him to become the sole ruler of the Roman empire. But something interesting happened before the battle, Constantine who was a pagan at the time claimed to have received a vision from God.

On October 27 with the armies preparing for battle, Constantine claimed to had a vision which led him to fight under the protection of  the Christian God. According to the message of Eusebius of Ceasarea, around noon, Constantine saw a luminous cross in the sky and under it the inscription in Greek," in this sign thou shalt conquer. " Constantine also claimed to had a dream in which Christ commanded him to use the sign of the cross against his enemies. Constantine became the first emperor to convert to Christianity. 

He ended the policy of persecuting Christians and in 313 issue the edict of Milan, proclaiming the freedom of Christianity. It all sounded good, except with the nominal conversion of Constantine, the pagans walked into the church with their idols and the Christian faith became corrupted. "Paganism, while appearing to be vanquished, became the conqueror. Her spirit controlled the church . Her doctrines, ceremonies, and superstitions were incorporated into the faith and worship of the professed followers of Christ."

(GC 49.2) 

The nominal conversion of the emperor lead to compromise between paganism and christianity, which then lead to the development of the "man of sin," the popes of Rome.  The Roman catholic church ascended to power." In 321 AD Constantine introduced the first civil legislation concerning Sunday, when he decreed that all work should cease on that day, except that farmers could work if necessary." The emperor brought a sunday law in opposition to the sabbath day of God. The catholic church became the persecutor of  other Christians who opposed their false teachings . And this lead us to Donald Trump.

Former president Trump is based on all definition of the word a pagan. Trump is not a Christian, his life doesn't reflect Christian values despite what other Christians want to believe. But Trump has been leading a battle in the ideological civil war between the left and the right, between the Republicans and the democrats. The battle has been fierce and relentless. Trump has been indicted, convicted and yet still fighting. But on saturday, July 13,2024, I think he may have found his sign to conquer.

While giving a speech at an outdoor campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania,  a twenty old assassin shot at Trump grazing his right ear with a bullet . A timely move of the head by the former president saved him from a head shot and certain death. Trump and many evangelicals are claiming this was a miracle of God, a sign that Trump is a man ordained by the Lord to accomplish His work on the earth. Trump has already promised he will give the church power, and Christian nationalism is firmly in his camp .

History repeats itself! Could it be that this event will be the "sign of the cross in the heavens for Mr Trump?" Could it be that this sign will lead to a nominal conversion of Mr Trump? Could it be that Mr Trump will become more religious and seek to unite church and state and like emperor Constantine promote a sunday rest law which according to Bible prophecy will be the mark of beast ?  Bible prophecy teaches that tha Unites States will transform in the last days into a religious tyranny that will set up the " image of the beast," and will force people to worship just like the Roman catholic papacy forced people to worship in the past. 

While I am not certain that Mr Trump will unite church and state or introduce a sunday law like the emperor Constantine did, Mr Trump does look like a man of destiny, a man on course to fulfill a great mission in these last days. I wouldn't be surprised if Mr. Trump start to become more religious and start to promote christian nationalism more and more until a sunday law is set in place in the future and persecution of dissidents begin. Friends, we are living in interesting times, things are about to change drastically and it will not be for the best. The future holds chaos, wars, religious tyranny and persecution, our only safety is in Jesus Christ .

The American ideological civil war is going on as we speak, the final battle is near, is it possible that the attempted assassination of former president Trump was his sign to " go and conquer?" Time will tell, but it looks like the triumph of apostate christianity over godless secularism is near , the Sunday law is near, the mark of the beast is the near and the return of Christ is drawing ever nearer.

As we see the final movements coming rapidly,  let us find a shelter in Jesus, less we be found wanting in these perilous last days.

May God help us to stay true to Him .


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