What makes a woman beautiful 🤔? Is it her face? Is it her hair? Is it her body shape ? You know the magazines have different metrics for judging the beauty of a woman. The different measurements such 34B, 30, 36 are used to define a beautiful shape. The beauty pageants have all sorts of different standards such as height, slim fugures etc.. The magazines, the pageants will present us with a woman and say this is the most beautiful woman in the world. And many men then wish they could have a woman just like her, many women wish they could have a face and body just like her . But when you look at that same woman, you find that they can't keep a marriage, can't keep a man
Why can't a beautiful woman keep a man 🤔?
A beautiful woman can probably get many different man to sleep with her, but it may be difficult for her to keep a man. Many of the woman society call beautiful become arrogant and shallow. The physical appearances easily attract many a shallow man, but their inward character, their arrogance, their nagging repulse eventually even the most shallow of men. Many a beautiful woman come to trust that their physical beauty alone is enough to keep a man and they couldn't be more mistaken. They confuse getting attention from men as a result of lust for genuine love.And so many a beautiful woman become broken by the constant revolving doors of men in their lives.
Physical beauty doesn't make a woman beautiful and physical beauty is not the reason to marry a woman. Many a man have ruined themselves and bring life long misery into their lives by going after a woman simply for her good looks. Remember a woman who is accustomed with getting praised and attention from many men for her good looks will unless in constant submission to God develop a spirit of arrogance and entitlement. This spirit of arrogance, entitlement will rear its ugly head with a vengeance in a marriage. And you will soon realize the physically beautiful woman you had married was nothing but a fallen angel, a devil. For always remember that devil is a beautiful being.
The devil is an outwardly beautiful being, but his beauty caused him to become arrogant, proud, entitled, rebellious and he refused to submit to the Lord, refuse to accept the Lord's authority over his life, developed a spirit of independence, constantly opposing the Lord, constantly challenging what God said until the time came when God could no longer deal with him, the relationship was broken and God cast him out of heaven forever. Arrogance, pride, spirit of entitlement, a nagging spirit, a woman who constantly challenges everything her husband says,a woman who will not submit will cause you as a man miseries that are worse than physical pain. Physical beauty alone is not enough .
While a physically attractive woman is lovely to behold, do not allow her beauty to blind you to her inner character. A woman's physical beauty fade over time, fade as she ages, but her character may be long lasting. When choosing a woman for a wife, be wary of choosing a woman who constantly nag, wary of choosing a woman who try to challenge your every decision as a man, a woman refuse to submit to anything you tell her, a woman who is rebellious. Why should you avoid such a woman ? These evil traits will only magnify in marriage and if you not careful and prayerful as a man you will be bitter and come to hate your own wife.
A truly beautiful woman is not one who is simply beautiful outwardly, but one who is humble and submissive to her husband. One who understands her husband and understands that if my husband loves me and has demonstrated his love for me by providing for me, protecting me emotionally, physically, mentally etc.. I will submit to his God appointed leadership. A beautiful woman is one who is there to advice her husband, but not telling him what to do. There is a big difference between advising someone and telling him, husband I think it would be best to pursue this course and telling the husband you must to this. "The husband is the head of the wife."
A beautiful woman is one who seeks to do all she can to honor her husband, promote her husband's glory and not one who is only ecpecting her husband to take care of her needs. A beautiful woman is one who is constantly thinking how can I make my husband's life better, how can "i make the home a piece of heaven on earth." A beautiful woman is an understanding woman, a wise woman, a woman who listens to understand and not just hear to give a response. A beautiful woman is one who makes decisions with her husband and not one who makes decisions then tell her husband like Eve did in the garden. To see a submissive woman is to see a strong and beautiful woman.
A submissive woman is a truly strong woman. For she is anle to subdue the spirit of revolt in her own heart and obey her husband because it is the Lord's will. A submissive woman is a truly beautiful woman because in submitting to her husband's leadership she demonstrates her love for him. A submissive woman is beautiful because even when she disagrees with, she will look for thw best possible way to bring up the disagreement, she will find sweet and tender words to speak to you with. A submissive woman is a woman who is not ruled by her emotions, biut is strong enough by the grace of God to rule over them. A submissive woman is a gem to her husband, a precious ruby, a true beauty to behold.
A beautiful submissive woman doesn't make excuses such as I will only submit if my husband loves me because she would never pick a man whom God did not approve. A beautiful woman is one who first submit to God and walk in His will. She makes God her first husband, she submits all her desires to God, she moves based on His timing, she chooses a man based on His standards and she says "I will submit to my husband because he is my gift from God." " I did not get him because I was so lonely, I didn't get him because I wanted him to satisfy my broken heart." I chose my husband because I want to share the love of God with him, i chose my husband because I want to love him like Jesus loves me."
A beautiful woman is not an empty shell with only outward beauty. A beautiful woman is one is filled with the love of God and fill her husband's life with the overflow of God's love. And so my friends, a beautiful woman will have no problem submitting to her husband's leadership because she has already submitted to God first. A beautiful woman will not be a nagging, rebellious wife, because she walks in the light of God's truth and has self control. A beautiful woman is truly a sight to behold in this world of makeup, fake breasts, fake butt, fake everything. A truly beautiful woman has something that cannot be faked and that's a Godly, humble and submissive character. Pray God for such a woman. 🙏🏾