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The lies we believe


All of us believe in some lies. When the Devil approached Eve in the garden of Eden in Genesis chapter 3 and asked her concerning God's prohibition on eating of the tree 🌳 of the knowledge of good and evil,  He told her a two fold lies. The Devil told her you shall not surely die. The Devil contradicted God, basically calling God a liar. The first target of the Devil's lie was God Himself. Then the Devil told Eve you will be as gods, knowing good and evil. The second target of the Devil's lie was humanity, telling us lies about ourselves. The Devil's lies always have two targets in mind. Lies about God and lies about ourselves.

So what are some of the lies the Devil has been telling us? Lies such as you are worthless, you are ugly, you can't do nothing right, no one cares about you, no one loves you and if you were to die right now, no one would remember you etc.. You can add your own lie to the list. We all have what is called a core belief. A core belief is something we believe deep in our innermost being and for most of us those core beliefs are based on lies. Example you may see a beautiful girl 👱🏿‍♀️ but if when she was younger people used to tell her she was ugly, it doesn't matter what you tell her, she will still believe the lie deep within despite the external reality.

Once we believe in a lie and it becomes part of our core beliefs we will start living according to the lie. So if you believe you are worthless, you will seek worth in money, in a career , in popularity. Many men pursue after money, fame in power because deep within they believe they are worthless and the money will give them a sense of worth. No wonder we hear things such as this man is worth this amount of money. Many people's worth are determined on how much they have 😔, how sad! A man's worth is determined by how much material things he has. So, we do all we can to find our worth in these things, sacrificing God, family , friends,health in the process. The lies we believe .

Many of our women because they believe they are worthless, parade themselves almost naked in the streets, on social media for likes because the likes give them a sense of self worth. The more naked or "sexy" , the more likes they get, the more they feel they are worth something. All lies. The lies we believe impact how we live. The Devil is out to destroy us and does this work of destruction by telling us lies about God and lies about ourselves and when we believe in lies about God we will not go to Him for the truth, we will not go to Him for healing, we will trust in our own minds,  our own effort. One lie the Devil say about God is that God cannot be trusted, God cannot be depended upon. 

Many of us even Christians believe the Devil's lie that God cannot be trusted. For this reason we don't go to God with all our issues, we believe the Devil's lie that God doesn't care about us, God is not concerned about our "little issues", that God has more important things to take care of. God has more holy people to look out for, why should I a sinner bother God ? These are lies. So we set about trying to lead our own lives and we fall head first into the Devil's snare. All the problems of this world are the results of humanity believing in the Devil's lies. You have low self esteem because you believe in the Devil's lie that you are worthless. 

The greatest lie and most dangerous lie the Devil tell us is that we have sinned too much, we are too far from the Lord and that we cannot be saved. The Devil wants you to give up . Friends all of us believe in some lies and these lies are the reason why our lives are full of misery, burdens and worries. But I'm here to tell you today Jesus came to set me and you free from these lies. The Truth will set us free. Jesus is the Truth and the life. Friends, the only way to be truly free is to make the Word of God our guide of life. We cannot trust in our own thoughts because our thoughts are corrupted by lies, we must put our trust in God's Word alone .

This is why it's important for us to fortify our minds with the scriptures. Spend time daily reading and studying the scriptures and praying the Lord to purify your mind from all the falsehoods you believe. Friends, you are beautiful because the Master artist Himself made you. You are of infinite worth to God because Jesus died for you. You are somebody because you are a child of God.  Money ,fame, power ect..don't add any value to your worth for you are worth more than them all, Christ died for you, not for them. Friends, it is only by the Word of God we will be able to resist the Devil's lies. If I think this about myself, I must bring it to God's Word and test it with the Word of God.

Adam and Eve fell into sin because they believed lies of the Devil. We are suffering in this life because we believe lies about God and lies about ourselves but Jesus came to set us free. Friends, let us evaluate ourselves only based on God's Word. Let us ask God to create in us a new heart and to put truth in our inward parts. Let our prayers be ,Father sanctify me with your Words, for your Word is Truth. Bring every core belief to the Lord in prayer and test them with the light of truth.  Jesus came to set you free from Satan's lies, believe in Him.
Be free from the lies that hold you in bondage

“One soul for whom Christ has died is worth more than the whole world.” {Our High Calling, p. 98.4}

John 8:31,32

If  you abide in my word, then you are my disciples indeed , and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free .


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