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Christ At The Center

The key to a victorious life is to have Jesus at the very center. It is only when Jesus is at the center of my life that I will have the peace of God. When Christ is at the center of my life, it means He has the highest priority and I do all things to please Him. Whether I eat and drink I will then do all for His glory. Many of us are not experiencing joy in the Lord because even though we go to church, self is at the center of our lives. We do everything to please self at the expense of Christ. How to put Christ at the center of my life is our topic for today

Our hearts have place for only one ruler🤴🏾! Either Jesus or self will rule my heart. We all were born with self as the ruler of our hearts. You can see in a new born baby. A baby has no concern for the welfare of his mother. A baby only cares about me. I want milk and I want it now! I want to sleep and I want to now. All humanity are selfish in nature and unless there is a profound transformation in the heart, unless Christ comes in and overthrow the tyrant self from the throne of my heart, I will live life only to please myself. Even the good I do will be about pleasing self or promoting self.
We are all selfish by nature 

How do I know if self is enthroned in my heart 🤴🏾? I know self is enthroned in my heart when I am my highest priority. When what I want and need are my driving force. I want to go there, I want to marry this person, I want to divorce my spouse, I want to buy this house, I want to cut off this friend, I want to be happy, I I I, it's all about my want, my needs and my desires. The desires of God only comes into play if it will help my desires. So I go to church because I think God will bless me. I pray because I want something from God. I want God to be the vehicle for my success. When self is in charge, disaster will surely follow 

But when Christ is at the center my life will experience a revolution. Now before I do anything, I will go to the Lord and ask for His counsel and guidance. How do I know when Christ is at the center of my life ? It is when I'm looking for a spouse 👰🏽 and say Lord, I want a spouse, make me ready for one and choose one for me when the time is right and help me be a blessing to my spouse . Lord I want a job, prepare me for one, choose one for me and help to be a witness for you there . Lord I have plan to move there, but only allow it of it will please you. Lord, help me to dress in a way that pleases you. Lord, help me to eat healthy because my body is your temple. 

Lord, keep me from sinning against you for I am yours and your mines and  I want to be faithful to you ❤.  I know Christ is at the center of my life because when I'm having a good day I say thank you Jesus and when I am having a bad day I say help me Jesus. Christ is at the center of my life when I involved Him in every decision that I make whether big or small. Christ is at the center of my life when it's no longer I that live but Christ who lives in me. As I involve the Lord in all that I do, then self is being dethroned and Christ is being enthroned 🤴🏾, now His peace will flow through my life because His kingdom of peace is reigning in my soul. Christ at the center is the  way to peace

Galatians  2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.


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