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Speaking the truth is a revolutionary act


" Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act ." George Orwell. This world is a world full of deceits and falsehoods. "Ever since the fall of man, Satan has been sowing the seeds of error. " (Christ object lessons). Falsehood is the default system of this world. Governments use falsehoods to conduct their agendas and control the masses . Many religious systems use falsehoods to control their adherents. Businesses use falsehood and deceitful means to rob the poor and enrich themselves. Men and women use falsehoods to seduce one another and take advantage of one another. Universal deceit is the default mode of our world.

Because falsehoods is universal, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. People don't want to hear the truth. Jesus  said in John 3, "this is the condemnation, light has come into the world but men love darkness rather than light." And why do people prefer the darkness 🤔?  Because their deeds are evil. It's a sad thing that people would rather hide in darkness than allow the light to expose the evil in their lives and be transformed. But such is the condition of our world. People prefer to hear soothing lies that are leading them to destruction than to hear the truth that saves. As a result, charlatans and demagogues are loved by the masses because they tell the masses what they want to hear .

If your wife came to you and ask you, "honey does this dress makes me look fat ?" and the dress does make her look fat. What would you say ? Would you tell her a pleasing lie or would you say honey, we may have to go to the gym together 😂. See many men for fear of conflict will say, no honey you look good, you looking amazing, a lie. They say the lie thinking that it will make the wife feel better but now suppose  when the wife goes out she makes a fool out of herself and look ridiculous in the dress and a young child come by and say lady you look fat in that dress. It would prove in the long term that lying did not  benefit her and had the husband told her the truth, it would have saved her the ridicule.

Many people lie because they think in lying they are protecting the other person's feelings. But in lying you are not only destroying your own integrity and ability to be truthful, in lying you are setting the other person up for long term failure. What happens if that person later finds out that you had lie to them ? It will be difficult for them to trust you again. See friends, telling the truth is not easy, and in our age of deceit, in our age of people being super sensitive, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  But God has called to live the truth and speak the truth. God has called us to be revolutionaries in this world. To attack the kingdom of darkness and falsehood

The first stronghold of falsehood we must attack is our own hearts, our own lives. We must compare our lives to the scriptures and see whether or not they live up to its truth. And truth be told there will always be areas of our lives that are not up to the standard of truth. We must take these areas of darkness and bring them to the light of God in prayer. Then as we attack the falsehood in our own lives, we ask God for the strength and wisdom to attack the falsehoods in the lives of others, the falsehoods in the society at large . Truth hurts, so you must also ask God for patience, tenderness and wisdom on when and how you deliver the truth, but deliver you must. 

The light of truth must go forth. We must never allow ourselves to make compromise with falsehoods, whether it is in our own hearts or in the society, we must war against all falsehoods with the Word of God.  Some examples of falsehoods in our lives are believing I can find happiness in sin. Believing that I can keep living wrong and nothing will happen.  Believing that I am worthless, God doesn't care, God doesn't see what I'm doing etc.. add your own falsehood to the list. Some falsehoods of the society are gay marriage, transgenderism ( a man cannot become a woman and a women cannot become a man) , sex before marriage is okay etc..

Some religious falsehoods are, Jesus is a created being, I can't get victory over my sins, hell is eternal and sunday is the 7th day sabbath. I can live how I want to, all I have to do is be a good person and I will make it to heaven. I don't have to repent from sin, believe the gospel and submit to God. All these are religious lies that we must allow the light of truth to expose. But remember speaking the truth is a revolutionary act. " A speaker of truth has no friends ." African proverb. As you speak the truth, your amount of friends may diminish, there will be backlash,for people love darkness more than light .

"A speaker of truth has no friends."No one wants to hear they are wrong. No one wants to hear their belief system, their religious traditions are based on falsehoods and so you may lose many friends by speaking the truth. The society at large will oppose you at every step and as we get nearer to the end of time you will be persecuted for preaching the truth to a society, a people that love lies. Speaking the truth is a revolutionary act and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest revolutionary act you can do in this world. For the faithful preaching of the gospel expose sin and the world at large love sin. Preaching the truth may not make you many friends, but some may repent and be saved for eternity and for one saved soul it is worth it. 

So friends, in all your daily interactions ask God for the strength to be truthful. Ask the Lord to create in you a new heart and to put truth in your inward parts. Ask the Lord to help you to love the truth and to out hatred of falsehood in your heart. Ask the Lord for the strength to walk in the light of truth and to be a light to those in darkness no matter the cost. Preaching the gospel is not going to get easier as the world plunge deeper into darkness and falsehood, but let us ask God for the strength to be faithful and to be a witness, a revolutionary for Him in this world.

 Let our prayers be Lord help me to love the truth and to walk in it 🙏🏾

John 3:19

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.


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