Imagine going through a difficult time and you come to a Christian friend to talk. You tell your friend all the difficulties you are going through and after you done talking, he gave you a simple answer, " pray to the Lord about it "!. How would you feel? Wouldn't you feel offended? Wouldn't it appear that your friend doesn't care ? I mean my friend I'm going through a lot. I'm having anxiety, depression, I'm having a hard time at home, my family is falling apart, I'm struggling with addiction and I come to you, to speak to you and all you tell is to pray about it! What is prayer going to do in such circumstances? I need real help, you know what! I'm going to those who can truly help !
I'm going to the therapist, to the counselor, they can help me but to pray about it ? What will it do. At least when I go to the therapist they will listen to me, they will report to me what my problems are based on the latest scientific theory, they will provide the pills that I need, they will give me concrete steps I need to do that will help me in my situation but to go to my room kneel down in prayer to God and open my heart to God about all the difficulties I am having big or small is useless. When I need real help I don't go to God, I go to those who can help, I make a phone call, I set an appointment, these work but to pray to God is futile .
Believers are so simple minded, they believe in going to the All powerful God first with all their problems and they think God is somehow going to fix it ( shaking my head ). How can people put such trust in an all powerful invisible Being ? I will rather put my trust in weak, arrogant and feeble men who will pretend to have all the answers to my problems in life. Those feeble men will tell me what I want to hear and this is way better than praying.Side note, many therapists have therapists themselves, all doctors go to the doctor, many counselors have counselors but the Lord God has no counselor for He is the Creator of all things. So we are back to our initial question, does prayer work ?Friends, prayer works! For prayer is the communion between you and the All Wise, all powerful Creator of all things. Prayer doesn't bring God down to you, but lift your soul up to His presence. When I pray, it doesn't mean God will automatically heal me of whatever ailment you going through directly, but He may guide me to a wise doctor who will provide true cures for my situations and not just give me drugs for profits. He may guide you to a faithful Christian therapist, counselor who will help you and provide with godly counsel and quality mental health care. God will put people in your life to help you with whatever you going through and He will watch over you with tender care
Prayer links you up with the Eternal God. Plus the goal of prayer is not for God to obey your command, the goal of prayer is to make you familiar with God, to establish a relationship with Him like you would with an earthly friend you can see, like you would with a therapist. God wants to be first in our lives, in my life. He wants to be my number one therapist, my number one counselor, He wants to be the first one I run to when a crises hits and He will then guide me to find human help if needs be. The difficulties in our lives are meant to draw us closer to Christ, for He is a faithful and wise counselor.
So your Christian friend who told you to pray about whatever you going through wasn't cursing you out, wasn't ignoring you, wasn't neglecting but was doing the most caring thing a loving friend can do by giving you a referral to the Most High God, the only one who can truly help . In Jeremiah chapter 17:5 the Bible says cursed be the man who put his trust in man, man will fail you, but in verse 7 it says blessed be the man that trusteth in the Lord, whose hope the Lord is. It is only in God we find true help. Nothing wrong with going to men for help, it is God who has given men wisdom to help you, why not go to Him first with all your cares and issues, then go to the doctor, the counselor etc.. If God cannot help you, then who can?