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Take every thought captive to Christ


The battle is over our minds. Satan is after our minds and in the last few years we have seen an increase in mental illness in the land. Satan knows that He has a short time and He is launching devastating attacks against our minds. The Bible says Satan goes about like a roaring lion 🦁 seeking whom He may devour. Satan is seeking you, He is seeking me to destroy. But how does Satan seek us? He seek us by the things we allow in our minds. Remember Satan spoke to Eve through the medium of the Serpent 🐍 and put rebellious thoughts in her mind and brought death to her. Satan is doing the same for me and you .

If you eat poisonous food then your body will be sick. It is the same for the mind, if you allow poisonous thoughts in your mind then you will be mentally sick. The Devil is using every means to bring poisonous thoughts into our minds. Some of His major mediums of doing so are through the entertainment industry 🎥. The movies of Hollywood bring images of violence, greed, sexual immorality to our minds, to poison it. The music of the world bring thoughts of violence, drugs dealing, sexual immorality to our minds to poison it. The love songs of the world are for the most part immoral and put immoral thoughts in our minds. 

After spending hours watching television 📺, it is no wonder we find it hard to open a Bible or to pray, our minds have been poisoned. After listening to love songs for hours it's no surprise you find yourself depressed because you don't have the lover the music spoke about, your mind has been poisoned. And let us not even begin to talk about the types of music that are coming out these days, depressing and violent. It is no surprise then our young people are so depressed. The Devil is poisoning their minds through the medium of entertainment. Friends, we must guard our minds if we will not succumb to Satan's attack in these last days

Others things that poison our minds are anger, hatred, envying what other people have, desire for revenge, bitterness, gossiping, thinking evil of others etc... all these things poison the mind and makes one mentally sick. If any of these things are not brought captive to the Lord Jesus Christ,  the Devil will use them to make our lives miserable, to make other people miserable when they around us and eventually to lead us to destruction. What we allow in our minds determined if we will end up in heaven or hell, for the battle is over the mind. And the Devil knows all refuse to allow Jesus to purify their minds will be overcomed by His temptations.

Friends, we must guard our minds. We must not allow any evil thing to come into our minds. Turn off the Hollywood movies, throw away the worldly music,  delete them from your phones, for these things are mediums of the Devil, you are hearing His voice, just like when you read the Bible you are hearing God's voice. Avoid reading the romantic novels that excite lust in passion, but fortify your mind with God's Word. While we cannot fully control the thoughts that come to our minds, we can choose which thoughts we meditate on and we can bring every thought captive to Christ in prayer. 

The Devil will bring back evil things you did in the past to your mind, but as soon as the thought come pray to God about it. The Devil will bring thoughts to your minds about how you are not good, you are a great sinner, you not going to make it, you are only pretending, God doesn't love you etc.. the moment the evil thought comes,  resist it with the Word of God and bring it captive to Jesus in prayer. Friends, we must understand that the battle is over our minds and that the Devil and His Angels can put evil thoughts in our minds, just like Christ and His angels can put good thoughts in our minds. Your mind is not a safe place but is a battlefield. 

Friends, you cannot trust every thought that comes to your mind, but you must bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. The Bible says be sober, be vigilant for your adversary the Devil goes about like a roaring lion 🦁 seeking whom He may devour. Let Him not find you but you can only escape from him by fortifying your mind with the Word of God. The movies, music and teachings of this world will make poison our minds and make us mentally drunk , but the Word of God will sober us up and allow us to see danger. Friends, let us resist the Devil by bringing every thought captive to Christ. Put away every impure things from your life and mediatate only on what is true and pure. Lord help me, bring captive all my thoughts to obedience to your will .

2 Corinthians 10:5 

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


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