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Rich in love

 America is the richest nation on the planet 🌎, but is one of the poorest when it comes to true riches. Husbands and wives are making more money than ever but divorce rates are out of control. They say financial difficulties are the cause of many divorces but I am here to tell you the true cause is couples are broke when it comes to love. In the past the man used to work, the woman worked in the home. One income supported the family and divorces were less. In many poor countries people live in abject poverty and yet stay together, so financial difficulties while serious is not the cause of divorce but the poverty of love in our hearts .

Our women are more financially independent than ever but I don't think we have ever seen so many single women in a time of peace before. The more financially successful our women become, the poorer they become in love. The poorer in love our women become, the more homeless they become in their singleness. While financial wealth, physical beauty may attract a man, only true riches can keep him, only love can keep a man. Many of our women are poor when it comes to love. And the men are not different.

Many of our men are driven after money. They say " money over women, money over everything." There is even a say " get money and the women will follow." There is some truth to that statement. When you have money, status , positions, women will follow you but these women are like vultures, seeking to devour your wealth and take advantage of you. Your money may get you women but money cannot buy true love. Your money may get you a female, but money cannot keep a wife. Your money can put a woman in your house, but money cannot keep a home. Many of our men are bankrupt in true riches, in love.

What's the point of having all this money with no one to share it with ? What's the point of a woman being so independent that she is alone? What's the point of life without love ? Life without love is a nightmare. Life without love is hell, life without love is misery. Our society though rich in material wealth is poor in love, poor in true riches. Many people realize they are poor in love, they are empty within and so there is an attempt in the land to introduce a counterfeit currency of love, called self love. The focus is now loving yourself will feel the emptiness within. But truth is the more we focus on loving ourselves, the more bankrupt we will be.  

"Get rich or die trying." Love is the currency of heaven and we are bankrupt in love ❤. So how does one get money when he/she is broke ? The way you get money is by going to those who have. If you need money you go to work to earn from your rich employer or you go to the bank to borrow 🏛. You don't go to the homeless person down the street to borrow money, but you go to those you know who have. Many of us are trying to get love from people who are themselves destitute of love, you will remain broke. Go to the One who has, go to the bank of love .

God is the source of love, God is the bank of love 🏛! I want to get rich or die trying. I want to get rich in what truly matters and love is the only currency that truly matter. The way you get rich is by earning and investing. You go to God in prayer and ask Him to make you a  loving and lovable Christian, then you go invest love in your family, your friends, your co worker, whoever you can find. You help your community to increase in wealth, increase in love. The more you invest in others, the more your own wealth grow, the more you love others, the more lovable you become. But you need to keep a relationship with God, the source of love, the bank of heaven.

Counterfeit self love is a person who invest all he/she has in self. Its like when a person buys expensive shoes, expensive watches but theur family is dying of hunger. The currency of heaven, those who are rich in love don't keep it to themselves but invest in others, knowing that as they love others they are making a difference in their lives, making a difference in the world. To be a loving and lovable Christian is to be rich. Friends, the masses of this world are poor, destitute and they don't know it. Everywhere we go we hear people are lonely and miserable while the bank of heaven is open for us all. Jesus is calling to us all saying come and buy of me gold tried in the fire. 

No greater feeling in the world than to love someone with all their flaws and faults.  No greater feeling in the world than to see someone who was hopeless, broken being revived because of the love you show them. No greater feeling than to see someone enjoying life because they know someone value them just the way they are. No greater feeling than to love. But to have such enduring and true love for others, we must have a personal banker, we must set up our count with heaven's federal bank and we must have Jesus as our love advisor. Seek the Lord, seek love, seek true riches. My prayer today is Lord make me a loving and lovable Christian 🙏🏾


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