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Only the strong can love

 Love is an act of strength. It requires great strength to love others. The Bible says God is love and we know that God is Almighty, the omnipotent One. There is absolutely no weakness in God at all. Matter of fact in 1 Corinthians 1:25 it says ," the weakness of God is stronger than men." That is what appears to be a weakness in God, being Christ nailed to the cross is stronger than men. Christ dying on the cross to save us from our sins was a revelation of God's love for us and yet it was an act of strength, of power. Love is strength, to love others is an act of strength. 

Anybody can lust after another, but only the strong can love. Lust is an involuntary act, an act of the flesh, an act of nature, but love is an act of the will. You don't even have to know someone to lust after them, but to love require knowing a person with all their flaws ,weaknesses and still showing them love. Loving others is an act of strength. Our society is a weak one and you can tell by the and you can tell by the amount of people fleeing from relationship with others under the cover of protecting their mental health. Preaching a develish gospel of self love. Such a message appeals to the masses, but the masses don't have the strength it requires to love others .

Loving others is hard work. Its easy to tell someone you love them from afar which what many weak Christians do, but to love someone in truth means getting close to them, getting to know them, suffering with them, as a result of them and yet still bear long with them. Loving others require long term commitment, its not a one day thing. Any weak person can show love for one day but it takes a strong person to show love day after day. "Loving others is an act of strength.  Love is patient, love is kind, love doesn't envy, it doesn't boast , it is not proud..."

" Love doesn't dishonor others," love doesn't take advantage of another person's weakness. A lot of what we call love out there specifically in dating is nothing but lust, which is violent and unrestrained passion. Lust seduces and take advantage of another's weakness but love doesn't do so. If you love a girl you are courting and you see that she is sexually weak, love will cause you to protect her weakness and tell her "babe sex is only for marriage according to the Word of the Lord." Love it require strength because you would have to deny your own sexual urges. Only the strong can love.

"Love is not self seeking." It means that love is concerned with the wellbeing of the other. Love is always first preoccupied with the welfare of others, to bring joy to the other, to be a blessing to the other. It take strength to deny your own needs in order to fulfill the needs of another. "Love is not easily angered." Love listens and seek to understand before making conclusions. To not be easily angered requires great self control. A person who is easily angered will cause people to stay far away emotionally from them. Such a person cannot love. Love requires strength. 

" Love keep no records of wrongs." Many people cannot love because they keep records of what you did to them. And of they are Christians they will use extreme examples  to justify their cold, weak evil hearts.  They will say things like " what if you were rape by that person, what if they tried to kill you etc.. extreme examples that have nothing to do with their case. Their case could simply be some misunderstanding, bur because they are too weak to truly forgive and forget they use deception to justify their lack of love. True love keep no records of wrongs, true love is in the business of restoring and uplifting.

Many people claim to be loving, but as soon as a difficult situation arises in the relationship they are ready to give it up. Love require strength, love require perseverance, love require sacrifice, doing all you can to maintain peace, harmony and well being of others. Loving others is an act of strength, to truly love others require Divine strength and it is only as you abide in the love of God that you will be able to truly love others. When we start to truly love others divorce between spouses and friends will be a foreign concept. Love is an act of strength and only those who are strong in the Lord can truly love others with all their flaws. Let us pray for the  strength to love others 


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