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Be strong, act like a man !

 We are in trouble! Our society is producing weak men like a factory assembly line. Modern christianity is producing weak men like it's nobody's business. No wonder christianity is so weak in the land. God called the man to lead, to lead requires one to be strong. But from the beginning we saw Adam abandoning his leadership position and allowing his wife to lead him. We saw Adam again fail to take accountability for his own decision and blamed his wife, showing weakness of character. 

And so many men throughout history continue to follow in the footstep of Adam, neglecting their duty and following the woman. According to the Bible in 1 Peter 3:7 ," the woman is the weaker vessel." It means women are weaker than men in many ways. Which mean men are responsible before God to lead , protect and guide women . But we now have a society in which women are the one leading in many areas because the men have become weak.  Being a leader by definition means to guide, direct. It take a strong person to lead, but the modern man is a weakling waiting for the woman to lead and blaming her for his own failures .

" Be strong and act like a man." (1king 2:2) Act like a man. Many men nowdays are driven by pleasure and have no self control, no purpose etc.. A man who is driven by pleasure is a weak man, for it is a man who has no purpose in life, no true drive, such a man cannot lead himself, much less a family. A man who is driven by pleasure will soon find himself under the control of women. A man under the control of a woman is a weak man. As our society is becoming more effeminate, we find more and more men are looking to a woman to find satisfaction. When the man is the one who should provide for his wife.

A man provides security, stability, strength for his wife, his family, his friends etc.. A man cannot be like a woman and be constantly depressed, needy etc..A man is to be a provider. It is a man's job to work, to provide for his family. A strong man must be patient, has self control, gentle and not easily angered. A strong man must not be ruled by his emotions or his sex drive. A strong man must subdue himself first in order to be able to lead others. A strong man is a man with a purpose, a goal, a vision and will not easily be distracted from his purpose. Strong men are lacking in our society, strong men are lacking in our churches.

Women are for rhe most part emotional and make decisions based on emotions. A strong man provide the stabily for her emotions. Had Adam been strong and rebuke his wife's emotional decision and eating the fruit, we would not be here. A man is responsible for his wife's behavior  because a man is the leader of the home. The wife looks to the husband for direction and so as a man if your home is in chaos, you are to be blamed. A strong man doesn't blame his wife for tge chaos of the home, but he face the chaos and bring stability in the home.

A strong man is not afraid of the trials of life and is not easily depressed when things get hard but with the help of God seeks for a solution. A strong man doesn't hide from others to protect "his mental health." A strong man speak the truth whether others like it or not. A strong man is a man of conviction, not a man who is tossed to and fro by his feelings today. A strong take accountability for his own life and doesn't play the victim. Strong men are lacking in our society . Jesus was a strong man. Jesus was focused, Jesus had self control, Jesus had a purpose and pursued it with relentless zeal until He overcame the world. To be strong man we must look to Jesus.

The church( bride of Christ )trust Jesus because Jesus is faithful, Jesus provide for her needs, Jesus protect her, Jesus lead her and Jesus died to self for her. Many men out are looking for a wife, but they have no purpose, no drive, indecisive,  emotionally unstable etc.. Women don't feel safe with such a man and as a result divorce rates are sky rocketing because we have weak unreliable men leading families and the church . Friends, God is calling us to act like men, to be strong, to be purposeful, to be focused and the strongest man is the one who make His purpose to serve God at all cost and lead others to Him.

Our society is in the business of producing weak men, men without purpose, drive or goals, man without love and self control. But Jesus is in the business of restoring men and making us strong. He gives a purpose which is to take up my cross and follow Him. Follow Him in the home, follow Him in the church, follow Him everywhere you go by being a man of purpose, a man of strength,  stability and conviction. A man who is not controlled by His emotions or his flesh. But a man " who will stand for the right, though the heavens fall." Be strong, act like a man," and let us stop being like cowards who living without purpose and convictions.


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