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Only through death !

 No death πŸ’€, no heaven ! And no I am not speaking about the death of Jesus Christ. While the death of Christ is what gives us access to heaven, " for without the shedding of blood there is no sacrifice for sin." ( Hebrews 9:22) Christ shedding His blood on calvary for our sins paid the debt required for the transgressions of God's Holy law  and opened the way to paradise for the whole human race πŸ›£

Jesus has opened the doors of paradise for us all. While heaven is accessible to us all, the only way to enter is through death πŸ’€. No one who remains alived will ever enter heaven , only the dead will enter there 😱. What do you mean Ric ? How is it only the dead will enter heaven when the Bible say " those who are alived will see Jesus coming down and be caught up with Him in the air ?" 1 Thessalonians 4:17.  Those who are alived in Christ but dead to self will be caught up with Him in the air. 

Jesus is the only way to heaven. Jesus said, " I am is the way, the truth and the life." Jesus said follow me. Jesus is the way to heaven and a Christian is one who follow Jesus. So the question is how did Jesus get to heaven ? What way did He take to get there ? The way Jesus took to get to heaven is through calvary,  through the cross. The way of humiliation, suffering and death .

Jesus showed us the way to heaven and the way to heaven is the highway of self denial and death. Jesus died to self before He was ressurected to glory and if I want to go to heaven I must die to self to be raised in glory. I must die to all my sinful desires. I must come to the Lord and present my sinful desires before Him and say Lord, crucify these desires in me. Now our desires are a part of our make up, for the Lord to crucify your desires is to experience excruciating pain akin to death.

On the way to heaven, I must surrender my will, my wishes, my wants to God's will. To surrender these things to God is to experience death πŸ’€. I want to dress πŸ’ƒπŸ½this way but Lord not my will but your will be done. I want to eat whatever I want but Lord not my will but yours be done. I want speak whatever I want to speak but Lord not my will but yours be done. I want to do whatever comes to my sinful mind, but Lord not my will but yours be done. To surrender my will, my wishes, my desires to God is to die to self 

Many people are deceived into thinking that God will save them just as they are. God will take them with their vices, their rebellious spirit and lawlessness but unless they allow the Lord to put to death every impure thoughts, every evil things in their lives they will die in their sins.  Jesus said " whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it ; and whoever shall lose his life shall preserve it." Luke 17:33 .

If you want to preserve your way of life, you will die in your sins whether you claim to be a Christian or not .

The apostle Paul said, " I die daily." (1 Corinthians15:31) Friends, it is the only way to heaven, through death πŸ˜₯. When the Word of God reveal areas of my life that is unholy, I must go to God and say Lord crucify this evil in my life . When the Spirit of God tell me to surrender my angry temper, my lust, my addictions, my love of the world, my love of fashion, or anything the Holy Spirit convict me of, I must go in prayer and say Lord crucify these things in me, put them to death. The more I die daily, the more Christ will live in me and the more prepare I will be for heaven. My prayer is, Lord crucify all evil things in me so that you may live in me πŸ™πŸΎ


Diana said…
This was a wonderful reading. I am reminded that I must die daily, that Christ may live. Thank you for this reading.

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