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The language of heaven

 What language do you speak ? You may tell me you speak English, creole, french, Spanish etc.. And how did you learn to speak that language? You learned to speak it because your parents spoke it. It was native to you. A child automatically speak the language of his parents . The language of the home is the first language spoken by the child. If the language of the home is creole, the child will learn creole, speak creole and process things mentally in creole. But let's say that child grew up in Haiti and then at a young age come to the United states where English is the main language, what's going to happen ? How is the child going to speak English? 

You learn a new language by immersing yourself in the culture, by reading books, watching media, going to school and spending time with those who speak the language you want to learn. As a child my first language was creole, I used to process things mentally in creole, but now I process things in English because English has become the language I speak most often. We speak the language of our environment. Human beings are the product of their environment and the environment you choose will teach you the language you shall speak.  So I'm asking the question again? What language do you speak? Do you speak the language of heaven or the language of this world ? What is the language of heaven ?

The language of heaven is love ❤. The problem is all of us were born on this planet 🌎 and the native language of our planet is selfishness, anger, hatred, pride, arrogance, impatience etc..We learn to speak the language of selfishness from our homes, watching the way our parents behave, the way they treated us. We learn from our friends, the media, the schools, the culture and even from church. Everything around us teach us how to speak the selfish language of this world and all of us are fluent. We think selfishness and we act selfishly. When we do things, we first think on how will this thing benefit me. Selfishness is our native language .

But when we come to Jesus' ambassy and He approve our visa to enter His kingdom of grace, to become a citizen of the heavenly country, we must start to learn the language of heaven, the language of love. We have many immigrants who come to the United States and yet never learn how to speak English 😦. How is that possible? Some only live around people who speak the same language as them, only interact with those who speak their native language and as a result find learning English unimportant.  Others are so busy working to make end meets that they never take the time to learn English. It becomes harder for such people to find good jobs, because good jobs usually require one to speak English 

Likewise we have many people people who accept Jesus' offer of salvation, enter the kingdom of His grace but never learn the language of heaven, the language of love ❤. Why is that ? They never detached from the worldly things they used to do, the wordly habits and customs. They never let go of the music that are promoting the language of selfishness , the movies showing selfishness, the environment encouraging selfishness. Others are too busy in the church that they have no time for Jesus, to learn of Him the language of heaven, the language of love, humility and compassion. As a result these people are unable to progress in their walk with Christ.

The language of heaven is love ❤. Love for God, love for others. And only one environment can teach us the language of love, the presence of Jesus. You can be in the church and yet don't know who Jesus is, because you dont make time for Him. We make time for those we care for and when we make time for Jesus we will learn of Him and know how to love others. We will be patient with others when they are impatient, we will be kind with others when they are unkind to us, we will have compassion on others when they have no mercy on us. We will forgive others when they have grudges against us. The more time we spend with Jesus, the more loving we will become

So what language do you speak at your home ? At work ? With your friend and others? Do you speak love or selfishness? Do you speak patience ? Are you graceful to others? Do you speak a sweet Word when the other person is angry to calm down the situation? Do you try to make reconciliation when you have a disagreement with others or try to cut them off ? Are you pleasant for others to be around with ? Or do others walk on eggshells around you ? Do you try to understand others ? Listen to them and desire what a good for them? Or are you only looking to use them for your own benefit?  See friends, we must unlearn the language of this world in order to learn the language of heaven.

To learn the language of heaven we must enter the school of Christ 👨🏾‍🎓. The school of humility because only a person who is humble can truly love. And we must study the Word of God daily in order to pass the tests of love we face on a daily basis. We must have Jesus as our constant Tutor to teach us the way of love and to give us strength to become loving and lovable Christian. And the more time we spend with Jesus, the more our minds will be transformed from the language of selfishness to the language of love. The more our thought process will be how can I bring glory to God and help make the life of others better. What can I do to make my home,my church etc..a little piece of heaven on earth.

1 Corinthians 13:1

If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.


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