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Fun now, misery later ( soul tie)


The Bible teaches that, " God is not mocked, whatever you sow, you will reap." (Galatians 6:7,8). But many of us think we are wiser than the Creator who made us, we think we can outsmart Him and violate  the principles He has established with impunity. And so we go around doing things He forbid because we think in these forbidden things we will find life, happiness and the highest pleasures. But " God is not mocked", so sooner or later when the fun die, we reap a harvest of misery and we then blame everyone but ourselves for our predicament

We are in a war 💂🏾‍♂️! A battle between two opposite forces. Light versus darkness, Christ versus Satan. These are the two leaders and there are two camps, me and you daily are making choices that determine which camp we end up in or are working for. There are principles in operation in this battle. One of the major principle of the war is the person you obey controls you. If you obey the Word of God, Christ control you, but if I disobey the word of God, by definition I listening to the Devil and he will have a legal right to control my life. When I read God's Word, God abides with me. When I entertain the things of Satan, he then abides with me

Now that we understand a major principle of the war, let's look at how it impacts us. When I am at home, in my car etc.. and I choose to listen to music 🎧 that are promoting sinful things like sex, drug, violence ( kompa, Rap, R&B, zook, Raggae, calypso, salsa, Pop, Rock )etc.. I am disobeying God and obeying Satan. The Devil then receives legal permission from me to come into my home, into my car and does whatever he chooses. His Angels have greater access to my mind during my listening  sessions. During those moment I become a servant of the Devil.

When I choose to listen to music that honors and glorify God, the angels of God, the Holy Spirit comes into my life and put my mind under the control of God. Then I have peace, joy that comes from God. My house becomes a little piece of heaven on earth.  When I watch Hollywood movies 📽 that are promoting sex, drug use, violence etc.. the same thing happens.  As I am having fun watching the movie 📺, demons are having fun controlling my mind, slowly but surely leading me away from the Lord. I become a slave of the Devil, his servant doing his bidding.

What about when I have sex with someone I'm not married to? What about when I have sex with a girlfriend or if are a lady with your boyfriend? What happens during that moment of fun ? Well something terrible happens, more terrible than watching or listening to evil things. When you have sex with someone you are not married to, you are disobeying God who commanded that only a husband and wife should have sex. You become joined to that person physically and spiritually. Basically your soul become tied to that person. And what happens when your soul is tied with someone you are not married to? Problems, problems and problems.

When your soul becomes United with someone you are not married to, not only have you given Satan access to your mind, but your body itself becomes his house, his dwelling place 😯. Not only a demonic spirit is now taking you over, but whatever other demonic spirits were in that other person now have legal access to your life. It's like if the person had an sexually transmitted disease, it gets passed on to you.  The spiritual disease of that person gets passed on to you during the sexual act, their demons becomes your demons. It gets worse! The more people you sleep with, the more demons have access to your life, to rule over you and to destroy you

Things get way worse, marriage 👰🏽. Because even if you only had sex with one person and he only with you. Let's say you marry your high school sweetheart but you had sex before marriage, you had given a demon access to both of you and the demons will follow you into marriage. And this one of the reason why many marriages are not working even among professed Christians, their sins have followed them into the marriage. Demons are living with them in their marriages and demons will seek to destroy your marriage and make you miserable.

Fun now 😀, misery later 😢 ! Every act of sexual sin whether with your boyfriend/girlfriend increases the power of evil spirits in your life. When you have sex with other people, demons in their lives come to your life. Demons of anger, depression, jealousy, suicide, hatred, anger, anxiety, shame, guilt etc.. gets transferred to you and will follow you into the marriage if you manage to get married. While you thought you were having fun, it was really the demons who were are having fun with you and preparing for greater misery in the future. No wonder marriages are not working and mental illnesses are in the rise .

Our society, our churches are full of demon possessed people and many of them know it not. They are playing with sin and they think they are getting away. While you are having fun in sin, Satan is buying your soul from you. Friends, God wants to set us free from the misery we have brought in our own lives. God wants us to sow the seed of righteousness now in our lives so that we can reap eternal life later on. God wants us to sow good things in our minds, things that are true and pure, so that our minds are pure and clean.

And you who are married, pray for your spouse and if you were practicing sexual sins before you got married, pray that the Lord may free you from the demons who used to control you. Ask the Lord to wash you of all your sins and to dwell in your marriage. Allow no unclean things in your homes, no worldly music, movies etc.. Give Satan no access to your minds and your homes and you will start seeing peace and love dwelling in your home as you give God and His Angels the right to dwell with you. Suffer with God today and you will enjoy with Him forever

1 Corinthians 6

know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit. Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

Soul ties and what the Bible say / Freedom from fornication


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