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Perfect Peace

 Our world is slowly disintegrating and chaos is taking over. Everywhere you look, we find chaos. 

In nature we have the whole issue of climate change, nature is groaning. We are threatening with famines, with possible food shortages on the horizon in the near future. In the east we have war in Ukraine, killing thousands and reducing cities to ruins. In Africa many places are experiencing jihadists insurgency, killing thousands in their wake. In europe, recently in France, there civil unrest over the government's plan to increase the age of retirement from 62 to 64, mass protests there have turn violent. 

In Haiti gangs are taking over the capital city, the latest United Nations report said about 70 percent of the capital city is under the control of armed gangs and kidnapping has become a lucrative business. Because of increasing gang violence, food insecurity has increased and people are in daily fear of their lives. Anxiety is through the roof there and many people are trying to escape to any place they can. In the United states, mass shootings have become a pastime. Crazed killers shooting up churches, schools, concert and any soft target they can find.

We have economic uncertainties, rent prices are through the roof. Everything is increasing in price. As our societies become more individualistic and selfish, relationships are unstable. Divorce rates are through the roof. Political instability is on the increase, increase talk of a coming civil war because of the hatred between Democrats and Republicans,  liberals against conservatives, LGBTQ  against heterosexuals etc.. division everywhere .Threats of a third world war and the use of nuclear weapons are causing many to be anxious .

In the religious world we have confusion. We now have churches with homosexual pastors 😱! I mean what are they preaching ? And from what Bible ? We have all types of wickedness and foolishness coming from many churches and people are confused. And with us being in the post truth era people don't know who to trust. Lies have become fashionable, we now have a term for it," fake news. " We can't trust the politicians, we can't trust the scientists, religious leaders etc.. As a result society is aimlessly drifting with the shifting wind of public opinion and anxiety is through the roof .

In such a chaotic and stressful world, where can one find peace? Do we find peace by stacking up on weapons? Food in cans ? Building a doomsday bunker in the woods? Staying at home and in isolation ? How do we find peace in such a chaotic world in these last days ? Friends, we find peace by keep our eyes on Jesus ! Look not for peace from Joe Biden or Donald Trump, from armed guards in schools, your bank account etc.. look for peace in Jesus. In these last days only those who put their trust in Jesus amidst the chaos will have peace. Everything else in this life is unstable but Jesus is the Solid  Rock , the Rock of ages.

In these last days we need to fortify our minds with the Word of God, with His promises so that when difficult times come upon us we will know that the Lord is with us and will not lose hope. By keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, we will have perfect peace in the midst of daily storms of life. And while the world around us are full of fears, we will rest in hope knowing that our Lord Jesus is in control. The key to perfect peace to keep your mind always on Jesus through the study of His word and constant prayer throughout your day. " Thou will him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee." Isaiah 26:3


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