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A society in the iron grip of evil


Another day in America and another mass shootings. Mass shootings have become an American pastime.  It happens so much these days that people are becoming desensitized by it. As before news of a mass shooting used to bring shock and horrors, now people just shrug off their shoulders and say this is just the way things are. And the politicians on TV have the same old arguments about gun control, school security, vetting before one purchase a gun , and mental health check etc.. But no one looks at the fact that our society is in the iron grip of evil, of demonic forces and we are watching live the descent of this once great nation into madness and chaos.

The latest mass shooting happened yesterday, March 28/2023 at a Christian school in Tennessee by a transgender woman named Audrey Hale, 28 years old. When I first heard the news, I was confused as to whether this was a biological male or female. This is the condition our society has now reached. The inability of people to know what gender they are. The Bible spoke of the ancient of Nineveh as a society where people didn't know the difference between their right and left hand (Jonah 4:11) .But Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah while our society having received greated light than Niveveh has rejected truth and embracing darkness .Our society is insane and becoming more insane by the day. But finally the news clarified that she was a woman who identified as man 🤦🏾‍♂️. This was a very disturbed individual, I would say an individual who was in the grip of demonic powers and the Devil led her to do the heinous crime she did, robbing 6 innocent people of their lives .

It took her about 10 minutes to kill 6 innocent people,including 3 children around the age of 9 before officers responding to the shooting gunned her down. In total the Devil robbed 7 people of life in one hit. The Devil is truly a murderer. But before she went on her killing spree, she sent a message to a friend on Instagram telling her that "she is planning to die today and you will hear of it in the news."  That young lady was under the power of evil for a long time. For it was the Devil who deceived her into thinking though God made her a woman, she could become a man. It was the Devil who made her reject the will of God in her life and friends.

Once you reject the Word of God concerning who you are and how you should live and accept the Devil's lies, there is no telling to what evil he may lead you do. The end goal of the Devil is your destruction and the lies he tells you and me are his most powerful weapons. For that young lady, the lie she believed was that she could change her gender and one can only imagine the traumas she went through in trying to go against God's design for her. She must have been suffering all manner of mental anguish because of her sin of trying to live contrary to the Lord. Eventually she became suicidal and did what she did, took out others with her .

Our society is the iron grip ✊🏾 of evil because the majority have rejected the Word of the Lord and are seeking to leave lives based on whatever their flesh tells them. But what most people don't understand is that our natural tendencies run contrary to God. Our natural tendencies are toward selfishness and evil. The Devil tempt us to give to our natural urges and misery is the result. Friends, what lie of the Devil are you listening to right now? What lie of the Devil is the foundation of your life? Friends if your live is not in harmony with the will of God then you are living a lie and are in the grip of evil.

Suicide has become epidemic in the land as people give heed to the voice of evil and reject the voice of God. Remember in life no one is an island, hit struggles will affect someone else. That young lady was suicidal but she killed other people on the way to perdition. So will me and you will destroy other people if we hold on to the lies we believe and refuse to accept the truth as it is in Jesus. Our society is in the grip of evil because we love lies more than the truth but Jesus said the Truth can set you free. Friends, let us examine our lives in the light of God's Word, in the light of truth and ask for victory over any lie we find .

Let us pray for the family of the victims, the family of the killer and all those affected by this tragedy. But let us most importantly pray for ourselves and ask the Lord to sanctify us by His Word, for His Word is truth. Let is ask to put truth in our inmost parts and banish all falsehoods from our lives. Remember if you don't allow Jesus to come into your life, then the Devil will he the one guiding you with falsehoods and you have no idea what he will cause you to do. My prayer for today is Lord sanctify me with your word, your truth and set me free from the iron grip of evil 🙏🏾

John 17:17

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.


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