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Sex is about bonding


Sex is about bonding with your spouse. Sex is not love but is an aspect of love. It is a gift of God to help couples draw closer to each other. Just like having conversations, walking together, spending time together, raising children together are all gifts of God to help couples draw closer to each other and to develop deeper bonding, deeper love. But like everything else God created for our good, our enemy the devil has corrupted sex and make it become something it was never designed to be.

The devil has turned sex which is a bonding exercise, a part of love ❤ between a committed husband and his wife into " love " itself. And in doing so he has destroyed many of us. Sex is about bonding and to misunderstand that is to self destruct. When you have sex with someone, God designed the sex act like a glue that draw you closer to that person. Everytime you have sex with the person, you draw closer to each other, the bond gets tighter. Now imagine sleeping with people without commitment! The  bonding process become broken.

Sex was meant to be done only in marriage πŸ€΅πŸΎπŸ‘°πŸ½. Why ? Because it is devastating if you do it without the protection of marriage. When you lose your virginity to someone, you develop a powerful bond to that person, but you may not even love that person. And if that person is not your spouse, you will always feel that he/she is not yours which can create anxiety, a fear of being abandoned at any moment. If you and that person break up, it's like ripping apart two things that have been glued together. It is a painful and damaging experience. Have you ever seen something that was glued together being torn apart? 

Being torn apart emotionally, mentally and spiritually is what happens to us when we are separated from someone we had our first sexual experience with. And now the glue in our souls becomes weaker. So the next person you have sex with, the next relationship it becomes harder for you to truly connect at the deepest levels of your soul with, the bonding process becomes weaker, and your anxiety and fear of them leaving you become stronger. The more people you have sex with, the weaker you are able to bond, and so by using sex as "love" itself and not a bonding process, you destroy love in your very being

Sex outside of marriage comes with anxiety and traumas. Fear of disease πŸ€’, pregnancy 🀰🏾, being taken advantage of and abandoned are just some of the things that robs us of peace of mind. Having sex with someone you not even sure you want to marry is destructive to your soul. For you are being glued to someone you don't feel safe with mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  These things cause us to develop split personality, another form of mental illness. Being able to share your body, your most intimate body parts with someone and yet hide your inner parts from them, the real you. Prostitutes are good at doing stuff like that, and we develop the mindset of prostitution. 

And so we go from dating to dating, from one sexual partner to another and yet unable to bond with any.  But sex within a loving marriage is altogether different, it strengthens the bond between the couple. Love comes first. I marry my spouse because out of all the women in the world, she is the only one I find worthy enough to carry my last name ❤.  I commit to her and she commits to me publicly. She is mines and I am hers. She doesn't have to worry about me leaving her at anytime, she knows she is the one for me because I took a vow before the Lord and before men 🀡🏾❤πŸ‘°πŸ½. Such commitment protect both our mental state, bring security and safety and in such a safe environment sex is a blessing .

The more time we spent together, learn of each other, the more our love for each other increases. The more feel loved for our whole being and not just in part. In such an environment sex accomplishes the task God created it for which to continue to strengthen our bond to each other. This is one of the reason God hates divorce,πŸ’” divorce tear apart two people who were joined together. This is why Jesus said "what God has joined together let no man put asunder."( Matthew 19:6)Let no one  separate a married couple, to do so is to destroy both people, divorce unglued what has been glued spiritually, emotionally and physically 

And so it is friends, Satan who understands that sex is a bonding exercise is using sex outside of married to destroy countless people emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. People are being unglued and losing their capability to bond with each other and marriage is becoming more and more miserable. Friends, if you want to enjoy true love, to develop true love, start living the way God designed you to live. Flee sexual sins, for you are only hurting yourself, destroying your ability to love. Sex is beautiful, lovely, peaceful , pleasant, fulfilling only when it is done within the confines of a loving marriage. Pray God to keep you from using your sex drive to destroy yourself 

Matthew 19:6

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.


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