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The source of our fustration in life


God is supreme, Sovereign and absolute.  All things are under His control and He is  working all things according to His eternal plans. The Lord does His will in heaven above and on the earth beneath, the heavens are the work of His hands and the earth His footstool.  The Lord is great in power and infinite in wisdom. Who can fight against the Lord 🤔? Who can frustrate His will, His purposes 🤔?  This is where me and you come in, this is where our frustration come in. The earth is in rebellion against God, the all powerful, all wise One and the result is a life of frustration for all who choose to go against their Creator .

All of us have experienced frustration in life. According to the dictionary definition, "frustration is the feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something. " This is all of us. Many of us try to make changes in our lives but find ourselves unable to do so. If you never experience frustration then you are not living. Frustration is a part of living on this earth, part of the human experience.  A baby experience frustration when he/she want something and not receiving it. Young children experience all sorts of frustration. Frustration at school, at home, on the playground etc.. and we adults experience constant frustrations. 

Unless we understand the nature of frustration and its true source, many of us will become angry, bitter, violent and hopeless. Many of us are so frustrated that we easily snapped at people who have nothing to do with our frustration. We snap at our kids, spouse, strangers in traffic, family and friends etc. We are angry because of our failures in life , our frustrations.  Maybe as a child you wanted to be an athlete ⛹🏿‍♂️, some injury got in the way and now you working a 9 AM to 5PM job and so you are frustrated. Maybe you wanted to be a doctor and now you work so far from a hospital that its not even funny, you are angry and bitter. 

Maybe you thought you would be married by now 👰🏽, raising  a beautiful family, having a loving spouse, a beautiful house 🏡 with a dog etc.. but here you are single, with no real marital prospects in sight and feel like you have failed in life. So you are angry, bitter and violent in spirit. All of us have different goals and aspirations in life. But many of us find ourselves failing to achieve what we set out to achieve and so we are angry, bitter and full of frustration and so our society is becoming more violent because we have so many frustrated people going around taking their frustrations on others . But what is the true source of our frustrations 🤔?

The true source of our frustrations in life is neglecting or rejecting the fact that God alone is supreme in life and He has a plan for your life. The Bible says in Jeremiah 10:23, " O Lord,  I know that the way of man is not in himself : it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps." God alone is supreme and His will alone will triumph in the end. You may have a great plan for your life, good or evil, but if your plans run contrary to the Lord's plan, your plan will be frustrated and you will experience frustration and failure. Sometimes the Lord allow our plans to work but sometimes it frustrate them in order to save us from self confidence, pride and arrogance. 

Let's look two major examples of frustrations. The Bible revealed in the book of  Daniel that the Roman empire would be divided and that it would never be reunited again. This is the Lord's will. But many have tried to go against that will and utter failure has been the result. Napoleon tried to unite Europe and he failed miserably. Adolf Hitler also tried to unite Europe but he encountered absolute failure. And the most frustrated being in the universe is the Devil himself who thought he could overthrow the will of God,  the law of God in heaven but was cast out and lost his place there  and is continuing to experience defeat and frustration. 

All who seek to be independent of the Lord,  to make plans without His counsel, to live life outside of His will, will experience frustration. Some of us in our frustrations blame God as the cause, but the true source of our frustration is our insubordination to His will in our lives .For the Lord may allow some of their plans to flourish but He will frustrate many of their designs. So how do we avoid a life of frustration, anger and bitterness 🤔? We avoid  a life of frustration by submitting to the will of God in all areas of our lives, by saying " your will and not my will be done." It is only when we submit to God's will for our lives that we will begin to experience true peace and joy .

When we submit to the Lord's will, we are no longer in rebellion, then the Lord can begin to work on our behalf . When we submit to God's will, we are no longer in conflict with the Creator of all things, the Most powerful being in the universe, then we find rest for our souls. God's supreme will for all of us is our salvation, the way He does it may vary from person to person. For some it may be by giving them riches, for others poverty. For some it maybe by allowing them to remain sick 🤒, for others to be in health . For some it may be to remain single, for others to be married, for others yet to have no children, for some to lose a child, a loved one etc. God's way of saving us varies.

God's will for each our lives vary but the end goal is our salvation.  To rebel against God's will is to bring frustration upon your life, but to submit to His will in every area of your life is to experience joy and contentment. God is Supreme, God is Sovereign and  I am weak and frail. God is all wise and I am just a child. God knows all things, He knows what's good for me, but i know nothing and even the things i thought were good for me turned out to be bad when i get them. God knows what would satisfy you the most, why don't you submit to His will and allow Him to lead you step by step in the way of life 🤔?  And how do I know God's will? By reading His word daily .

Friends, let us always seek counsel from the Lord before we make plans for our lives. Let us always accept God's leading in our lives, let us seek to do nothing contrary to God's revealed will, for to do so is to bring sure frustration to your life. But let us daily pray," Lord your will and not my will be done." Tell God what you desire in life but always conclude with ," Lord your will and not my will be done." And Lord give me strength to submit to your will in all areas of my life, for thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Blessed be the glory of the Lord from His place 🙏🏾. Ezekiel 3


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