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In your sufferings, look to the final outcome

 Life is tough, life is difficult and the trials of life can be unbearable at times. Each and every single one of us have something we are  dealing with in this life. Sometimes you overcome one problem just to go to another and for some people life seems to give them no break, just problems after problems, suffering after suffering and sometimes we cry out in despair like the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 20:14- 18 and say "cursed be the day I was born, let not the day where in my mother bare me be blessed. Cursed be the man who brought tidings to my father, saying, A man child is born unto thee, making him very glad. May that man be like the cities that the Lord overthrew without compassion.

The prophet continues," may he ( the man who bore the news of his birth) hear  an outcry in the morning and a battle cry at noon, because he did not kill me in the womb so that my mother's 🤰🏾might have been my grave 💀." The prophet Jeremiah went to say in verse 18," why did I come out of the womb 🤰🏾 to see only trouble and sorrows, and to the end my days in shame ? ..  You see friends, you are not alone in your sufferings and trials. Life itself is suffering because life in this world is outside of Eden, the garden of pleasure and bliss. Life in this world is a journey back to Eden and it is full of "thorns and thistles. " Life in this world is full of sorrows for us all. 

The sorrows and pain of this world comes to everyone, rich and poor, black or white, male or female. The sorrows of this world reveal to us the reality that sin bring suffering. But the sorrows of this world also have a positive end goal, to teach to rely on God, to trust in Him. The sorrows of life are meant to purify us of pride, self sufficiency, love of this world. Everyone goes through sorrows, but for the person who is seeking to walk with Christ, sorrows will be his/her lot. The Bible called Jesus a " man of sorrows" because of how much sufferings He had to go through to make an escape for us. Isaiah 53 detailed how much sufferings Jesus had to go through to open paradise for us again

If the Master Himself suffered, then we must understand that all who seek to follow Him will go through trials and tribulations. Jesus' whole life was one of sorrow and grief. The people He loved and created rejected and crucified Him. He was under constant attack from the Devil. The Devil tried to kill Him as a child. Jesus was the suffering Servant of the Lord.  God doesn't allow anything to come to us that He Himself has not gone through and the Lord in heaven, on earth has suffered more than we can ever comprehend since the  arrival of sin in His universe. Always remember in your sufferings that God suffers with you and grieves. But if you abide in Him, your suffering has an end goal.

Desire of ages 753.2. "Satan with his fierce temptations wrung the heart of Jesus. The Saviour couldn't see through the portals of the tomb. Hope did not present to Him His coming forth from the grave a conqueror, or tell Him of the Father's acceptance of the sacrifice.  He feared that sin was so offensive to God that their separation was to be eternal. Christ felt the anguish which the sinner will feel when mercy shall no longer plead for the guilty race. It was the sense of sin, bringing the Father's wrath  upon Him as man's substitute, that made the cup He drank so bitter, and broke the heart of the Son of God. "

Jesus couldn't see the way out of His sufferings, but He grab hold of His Father's hand, submit to His will and overcame the world, the flesh and the Devil. Jesus knew His purpose. Jesus knew then end goal. The plan of salvation was prepared before the foundation of the world and Jesus knew He would have to go through great sufferings to redeem the world from the power of sin and Satan. Therefore Jesus was totally committed to the mission and purpose of His Father and was not concerned with His own life. Sufferings and trials did not deter Him but only revealed His great love for the His Father and the human race . In His darkest hours, Jesus looked to the " joy that was set before Him." 

Friends, it is the same for us. God has already revealed to us that this life is full of sufferings. God has further more reveal that all who will seek to follow Him will go through trials and tribulations. Trials are used by God to purify our characters and to make us like Jesus, beautiful, lovely. Trials reveal whether or not we love and obey God. Trials patiently endure reveal the Spirit of Christ in us. Whatever trial God allow to come upon us is meant for our good, not our destruction. Satan tempt us to sin in our trials, to let go of God but if we endure we will grow stronger. We know the end goal, it is for our salvation, but are we faithful like Jesus is the question 🤔?

Different trials for different people. Your trial may be money problems, for others it may be marital, health 🤒, difficult people, education persecution, family issues, struggles with sin etc.. We all have different trials to face in life but God require obedience and faithfulness from us all. God want us to know that He is with us in our trials and He wants us to look to the end goal, paradise, Eden restored and eternal life of bliss and pleasures with Him forever more. Friends, in our trials, look at Jesus, look to Jesus for strength. Do not look at your sufferings, Satan will tempt you to lose hope, but look to Jesus for strength to carry on another day until we arrived at that great day 

Your trials are specifically designed for you. For God knows this is the best way to humble you, to save you. Though your trials are Specifically designed for you, you are not unique in suffering and you are not alone. Sometimes we may get tired but do not give up, we may become hopeless but do not lose hope. For in your trials you are in good company, the prophets, apostles, people of God of all ages have been through great trials and tribulations and have come out as victors. Plus you have Christ who went through great trials and sufferings but is now sat down at the right hand of God.  Keep your eyes on the final outcome, keep your eyes upon Jesus and He will uphold you in your trials and carry you to the paradise of God 🙏🏾


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