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Pride month 🏳️‍🌈: A celebration of wickedness


" Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18. What a time to be alived ! When evil is being celebrated in the open, when evil no longer hide itself in the closet. Evil has come out of it's shameful closet and is now pressing on the doors of every institution. Homosexuality, a wicked and shameful thing is now being celebrated, promoted at the highest levels of our society. A behavior that God hates is now being promoted as a wonderful alternative lifestyle and to make matters worse, the rainbow 🏳️‍🌈 has become the symbol of the LGBTQ movement 😯. 

God set the rainbow in the sky to be reminder for the human race of His covenant with us. God promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood. The Lord had flooded the whole earth with a flood because of the great wickedness of man, saving only 8 people, Noah and his family. The Lord caused it to rain for 40 days and night upon the earth and drowned all those who had refused His call of mercy to enter the ark of safety 🛳. But with rain now being the tool God used to judge the earth, men would be in constant fear when they see rain, so God established His rainbow  as a reminder to mankind of His covenant not to destroy the whole with a flood again. 

But the Devil has inspired evil men to use the rainbow 🏳️‍🌈 to represent the LGBTQ abominations. The Devil is just doing what he has always done, corrupting every good thing the Lord does. No surprises because the whole homosexual movement is a corruption of human nature. A woman having sex with a woman is a wicked thing 🤮. A man with another is a vile abomination 🤮🤮. The Bible says those who refuse to repent from such wickedness will suffer the vengeance of eternal fire 🔥. Matter of fact, God destroyed Sodom and Gomarrah with fire as a result of such evil and the Bible teaches the Lord doesn't change, so we can be sure He is going to destroy nations that celebrate the evil of LGBTQ lifestyles 

Ezekiel 16:49,50. " King James Bible

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. 

And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good." 

Notice what the Lord said concerning Sodom! Sodom was proud. Sodom was full of homosexuals and Sodom was proud. Homosexuality in Sodom was proud and aggressive, just as it is now in the land. Trying to break down every door to bring its filthiness in. The Lord also said they committed abominations before Him. Wicked acts and God destroyed it. 

Was Sodom ashamed of their sins or did they parade it ? Is parading homosexuality a new thing or old news ? Isaiah 3:9  International Version"The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves." Sodom used to parade their sins . Sodomites were not ashamed of their evil "alternative lifestyles." They parade their sins and the Lord destroyed them. And so we are seeing in the nations now. Wicked homosexuals are having parade all over the world, parading their sins before the Lord but God doesn't change, sooner or later disaster will strike all godless nations.

So what must we do as Christians? Should we hate homosexuals? No! Homosexuality though vile and disgusting is another sin in Satan's arsenal. We all struggle with different sins and Jesus died to save us all, including those caught up in the homosexual movements.  Our mission is to reach out to those people in love and with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Don't be afraid of homosexuals but share the love of Jesus with them. Don't push them away from your churches, but invite them to come hear the Word of life. They are many people who were stuck in the homosexual lifestyle but have been rescued from it by Jesus Christ.  We must minister to then just like we minister to any other sinner. 

Friends, if you are caught up in the homosexual lifestyle, remember Jesus loves you and want to save you. He want to parade you before the universe as His redeemed child. Come to Him, let Him break the chains that binds you and set you free. If you know anyone who is caught up in that lifestyle, show them the love of Jesus, don't hate them, don't disrespect them, show them love. What our gospel often lack is love. What many homosexuals are looking for is love, genuine love, but Satan has deceived them into seeking it from "strange flesh." Let us point them to Jesus who is love Himself so they can experience true love and be truly "gay" happy in the Lord. 

As homosexuals are celebrating sin during the month of June, let us seek to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, let us show the love of Jesus to the world around us. Homosexuals are bold in celebrating sin, let us be bolder in celebrating the power of the gospel to save from sin. Let us share our testimony with others, to tell them that there is nothing in sin to celebrate, but in Jesus we can truly celebrate freedom from sin. So friends, spread the gospel even morw during this month of June, tell the homosexual Jesus came to save them too and in Him only will they find true joy, true contentment. 

The rainbow 🏳️‍🌈 is a sign of God's sure promises and His faithfulness. God is able to save, God is willing to save all of us no matter how deep in sin we are, you can bet your life on it. But God will also destroy all who remain proud in their sins, celebrate their sins, you can be sure of it . So friends, let us resist pride month, let us resist the LGBTQ movement by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ, the only source of true love and happiness.  Let us resist pride month by showing true love to our homosexual neighbors and invite them to come to know Jesus. Resist pride month, dont be silent but preach the truth in love . May God help to be bold for His gospel 🙏🏾


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