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Do not be silenced by society


Tyrants love to silence people and there is no greater tyrant in this world than the Devil himself. Tyrants fear the truth and there is no one more fearful of the truth than the evil one . Tyrants love the darkness of night, the darkness of falsehood and fear the light of day, the light of truth. A society, a church, a workplace,  a home, a friendship controlled by tyrants will be  one in which the truth is not allowed to be spoken. The truth is an enemy to tyrants, for the truth exposes their deceits and for this reason censorship is a major tool of tyrants to stifle the truth, and to promote lies .

The spirit of tyranny is widespread in our world. Human beings by nature are tyrants, we always seek to control situations and even other people. In trying to control situations and other people we become angry at anyone who refuse to submit to our rules  and so we try to silence them. We try to silence those who speak the truth in our lives by throwing tempter tantrums. Getting angry and emotional when they reveal some flaws, some bad things about us. And some of us silenced anyone who is different from us by cutting them off from our friendships. We claim we don't want any negativity in our lives , but in reality we are just little tyrants who are fearful of the truth .

The Devil is the father of all tyrants, of all who hate the truth and his main goal is to silence those who preach the truth of the gospel . For truth exposes the Devil's lies and set his captives free. For the Devil, truth is negativity, truth is negative vibes and the Devil want to silence from his life anyone who dares speak the truth. Our society is under the influence of the Devil and the goal of our society is to silence those who speak the truth. They try to silence the speaker of truth by introducing deceptive philosophies such as "truth is relative." You have your truth, I have my truth nonsense. While me and you can have different perspectives on reality, truth is truth.

Truth is not relative. Truth is reality and Jesus is the truth. Truth is not determined by how me and you view things but is determined by reality established by God. Example: a man cannot become a woman and a woman cannot become a man. You may pretend to become the other gender, but it is only a pretence, a falsehood. And there is concerted effort from our society to accept such falsehoods and to silence those who speak the truth concerning it, we must not allow society to silence us, but must speak the truth in love. Falsehood destroy lives, but the truth set the captives free. A person who believes he can change his gender destroy himself physically, falsehoods has terrible consequences .

Our society promotes every kind of wickedness, but they tell the Christian to keep your faith between the four walls of church 💒. People speak about all types of foolishness but society says we shouldn't discuss politics and religion in certain places. Truth is religion and politics dictate how we live but it is in the interest of tyrants, of those who wants to rule over us to try to silence the examination of things, and to have  intellectual discussions of important matters, so they say don't discuss religion and politics.  Discuss what you ate last night, discuss your favorite outfit but don't discuss what really affect your life, religion and politics.  

So many are silenced in the work place, with their friends, even with their loved one, for fear of offending. And so tyranny is able to spread undeterred.  While they are telling us not to discuss our faith in the workplace, the same work place is promoting LGBTQ lifestyles. While Social media will sensor you for promoting truth, the same social medias are promoting all manner of wickedness. The same people who are telling us not to speak about the Truth are trying to teach us all types of falsehoods.  Friends, we must stand up for Jesus, we must speak the truth, we must speak the truth as the Lord reveal it to us and as we grow in Christ .

No place is off limit to the Gospel. Spread the truth of God everywhere, with wisdom and love but spread it everywhere. Don't allow Satan and society to silence you, don't allow your friends, family or whoever to silence you, spread the truth in love. God is looking for men and women who will be valiant for the truth in these last days, in this post truth era, will you answer His call ? Spread the truth of God at work, at home, at church, on social media, with friends etc.. sow the seeds of truth wherever you can.  God give us a mind to use, to think, if you don't use your mind, if you don't fill your mind with the truth of God, the Devil will surely fill it with all types of falsehoods.

When you truly know what you believe you will not be afraid to share it. Many of us allow ourselves to be silenced because we have no true conviction. I am uttterly convinced that God is with me, that the Lord is good, the Lord is loving, the Lord is merciful, the Lord is just and will soon return to judge the world. And it is because of my absolute conviction of my relationship with God and the truth of His Word that I spread His Word wherever and however I can. The Lord is good, the Lord has been good to me, therefore I will not allow society or anyone for that matter to silence me from sharing His Word. May the Lord help us all to be valiant for the truth and speak "truth to power." 


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