This world is evil ! This world is full of pain and sufferings! I didn't have to tell you the world is evil for you to know. Your own experiences have revealed to you the evils of the world. Everywhere we look 👀, we see brokenness, pain and cruelty. Why is the world so evil ? Is it because of the Devil ? Is it because of terrorists? Is it because of evil politicians? Is it because of evil men and women? Is it because of poverty ? Is it because of greed ? Is it because of lack of money, despair, hatred etc..🤔? While all these play a part in making this world a place of misery, ruin and despair, they are not only the cause. The reason for the widespread evil in the world is me and you 😮?
Me and you are the reason for the evils in the world. Why you ask? "Ric, how can you say such foolishness 😤? I am not evil, I am a good person." "Ric, I normally agree with you, but with this one I can't, I just can't. " I am a good person and not responsible in any way for the evils of this world." And with this statements friends, we reveal our wickedness, pride and arrogance. Edmond Burke said, " Evil succeeds when good men do nothing." Evil succeeds in this world because those who claim to be good are either participating in evil to stop evil or are indifferent to evils around them. Me and you are guilty as charged. What are you doing to fight against evils around you, in you ?
Evil spreads in the world when me and you allow the Devil to use us as instruments of evil. Examples: you hear that people are unfaithful and so in order to protect yourself you become unfaithful. You are spreading evil . You hear that people don't want to hear the truth, so in order not to hurt people, you tell them lies. You are spreading evil. You hear that this world is cold, no love. So in order for you not to get hurt, you become cold ,unloving. You hear that people in church are hypocrites, so you become a hypocrite yourself. People abused you, you go around abusing others. People rob you, you go around robbing others. People speak harsh words to you, you do the same to them .
When we allow our minds, mouths, bodies, talents be used for evil means we become a source of evil. When we allow our negative experiences in life to dictate our we treat others, we become a source of evil, because we bring evil to the lives of others. No one believes he/she is evil. We believe others are evil when they wrong us, but we also believe when we wrong them in return we are doing what is right. With this twisted logic Satan has corrupted all of us. We condemn evil in others, while justifying evil in ourselves. But God want us to be a source of good, source of blessing for others. God want us to tell evil," the buck stops here." Friends, we can make a difference in this world by being a source of good to those around us, in our small circles of influence. Beginning in the home 🏡. How do you treat those who live with you ? The way you treat those you live with, parents, spouse, children reveal your true character. Are you a blessing to them?
Be a source of good by being kind to others. When others are angry, speak a sweet Word to them. If people are in need, give them a hand. If you don't like when people treat you a certain way, don't treat them the same. Be honest with others. Be faithful to others. If you don't want people to cut you off when you make a mistake, don't cut them off when they make a mistake. If you want others to apologize when they are wrong, then apologize when you are wrong. If you want others to reach out to you, then reach out to them. If you want others to make you their friends, then become the friends of others. Lead by example, be a source of good.
The problem is we are quick to condemn and blame others when we do the same things. If you know better, than do better. Show others the way. But if you claim to know better and do the same as others, you are nothing but a devil 👿. For the Devil knows better but he does evil because he is selfish. If you accuse someone of being selfish, make sure you are showing them by your words and examples how to be selfless. If you think people around you are toxic, then show them by word and example how to be loving. If you think they are deceptive, show them honesty. If they are unloving show them how to love. If they are proud and arrogant, show them how to be humble by your own humble examples.
It is easy to blame others for evil, accuse others of being evil when we are guilty of the same thing. But we will find ways to justify ourselves while condemning others. Ask anyone who ever had any failed relationship of any type what happened? And most will blame the other person as the cause of the failure and present themselves as the good one. Friends, the only way to make a true difference in this world is to be a source of goodness to others. To live to be a blessing to others, to go around doing good and only good. To seek to understand others and to seek to make being around you a joy. Do people enjoy being around you ? Or are they walking on eggshells in your presence?
Jesus was the source of good when He walked the earth. The Bible said, "He went around doing good." Even His enemies loved to be around Him, because deep down they knew He desired their good. And it is only when we are truly connected with Christ we will be a source of good for others around us. Jesus never wronged anyone, or does evil to anyone because there is never any reason to wrong anyone or do evil to anyone. Friends, the call today is let us move forward the kingdom of God by being a source of good, blessings to those in our lives. A good work goes a long way. Do good, fight against evil. Do good, make a difference in the life of others . Let us overcome evil with good. May God help us 🙏🏾