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Why do young people leave the church?


Young people are leaving the churches in drove. Go to most Christian churches and it's hard to find many young people from the age of 18- 30. The question many church leaders are asking is why are the young people leaving the church ? And what can we do to stop the youth exodus? When the leaders ask the young people what are some of the reasons you guys leave the church? Young people mention lack of love, hypocrisy, not providing many opportunities to be involved, mistreatment by others etc.. young people come up with lots of reason why they leave the church except 1 , the one that is the true cause .

The true reason young people leave the church is because they "love darkness rather than light," the pleasures of the world more than the pleasures of holiness, sin more than purity. We all were young at one time and we know how it is. As a young person most of your friends are worldly, most of your friends whether in the church or at school are not trying to live a life of holiness, a life that please God. When you are young, if you are a teenage boy you are more concerned about getting girls, than praying. If you are a girl you care more about boys, more about how cute you look than the honor of God. Living for the glory of God as a young person in our society is difficult.

Young people face massive peer pressure to conform and many young people don't have a will strong enough or are rooted deep in the Lord enough to overcome the pressures of the world. So even while in their early teens they are basically " forced " to come to church, they are not interested in the things of God. Look at them sleeping, joking, being on their phones 📱 or staying outside chatting with friends while the service is ongoing inside. Many young people come to church to see their friends, not to worship the Lord. Many of our young people during the week spend their time watching corrupt things and listening to corrupt music and have no intimate time with the Lord. 

Many of our young people spend 6 days in Babylon and 1 day in church . They go to secular schools which promote godlessness and atheism. They have parents who come to church but are ungodly, they have friends who are ungodly and they themselves are ungodly. As a result when they reach a certain age, when they are able to drive , when they reach 18 and feel like they are adults,many stop coming to church altogether and go enjoy the pleasures of the world, the pleasures of sin fully and forsake the Lord and the assembly of the brethren. This is the true cause of young people leaving the church. The Devil has working on their minds and hearts for a long time.

The Devil knows that God is looking for young men and women who will stand for Him and proclaim the truth for this time. The devil start working in the hearts of our young people at a very young age to lead them astray from God and captives to sin. But young people are very clever, when they leave church because they love sin, darkness and few world, they will not say I left church because I love sin, but will look for some scapegoat to blame. And so many will say I left because the church is not loving, friendly, merciful etc.. when the true reason is the love of sin

Young people leave the church for the same reason old people leave, love of sin and hatred of Christ. Can we prevent all young people from leaving the church ? No, those who love Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him will remain and those who love sin and do not have a personal relationship with Jesus will depart. We reach the young people through the preaching of the gospel, nothing less. We reach the young people by teaching them they need to have a personal relationship with Jesus, they need to know Jesus themselves, they need to study the scriptures themselves to make themselves approved. We reach the young people by teaching them about righteousness, temperance and judgment to come. 

Do not let young people deceive us into thinking they leave church because of numerous excuses, they leave church because they never knew the Lord. So we must teach them to know the Lord and to love the Lord. In order to reach the young people, we must know and love the Lord ourselves. God loves the young people, let us then do all in our power to reveal the love of God to the young people, let us hear them out, but let us always point them to Jesus as the solution to all their problems.  Satan is out to destroy the young people with His lies, let us lift up the banner of truth to the young people and let them know that Jesus loves them, He died for them, they should live for Him. 

2 Timothy 3: 15- 17

15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.


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