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Blac Chyna's baptism ( The Lord's hand is not too short to save )


I just read a story about Blac Chyna, a former stripper and celebrity who spoke about changing her life and body. She joined OnlyFans, an internet subscription service based in London, United kingdom. " The service is used primarily by sex workers who produce pornography, but it also hosts the work of other content creators, such as physical fitness experts and musicians." Wikipedia.  Blac Chyna joined OnlyFans in 2020 and was soon named top celebrity earner. She was sharing provocative pictures online and she earned $2 million dollars in two years. But she suddenly stopped.

She suddenly stop because she had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord reached down to the pit of degradation and darkness she was in and lifted her up. " The former video vixen regularly treated fans to raunchy content.." Having made many headline for releasing such risqué content, the former stripper raised eyebrows in May 2022 when she shared a video of her getting baptized in her pool while wearing an all-white ensemble." From harlotry and immorality to being brought into the family of God. God's hand is not too short to save, Jesus rescued her from her messed up life .

And what does she do to show evidence that Christ has come into her life to sup with her ? She forsakes many things in her former life. She dissolved her cosmetic facial fillers, she quit her degrading OnlyFans career, she underwent breat reductions and fillers in her derriere. When Jesus comes to our lives, all things become new . With the arrival of Jesus in our lives, the healing process begins.  She even reject her stripper name," blac Chyna," and embraced her birth name Angela. A life of sin and wickedness had left her broken, empty and tired.

"As for the reason why she was moved to embrace the Christian faith at this point in her life, Angela revealed it was born out of her desire to become whole." " I just got sick and tired of doing the same repetitive things", the reality star recalled. So she gas decided to give Jesus, the Great Healer of the Soul a try and how fast has the Lord been working in her life. "As Angela moves forward with her new life as a born- again Christian, she has been taking steps needed to return to her natural body after making her name showing off more voluptuous curves." When Jesus comes into our lives, our eyes are opened and we see clearly our brokenness

Matthew 21:31, Jesus said," the prostitutes and publicans will go into the kingdom of God before you." Blac Chyna hears the call of God, she gets baptized and she is in journey to have her life transformed. Many Christians are in the church but are still behaving like the way blac chyna used to behave, putting sexual pictures out on the internet, being vain with their focus on body image etc.. and pretty doing the same senseless thing over and over again. They will not allow the Lord to heal them because they will not let go of the things that are destroying them. And here blac Chyna is leaving millions behind to find true healing, purpose in Jesus.


Let this be a testimony to us. That God's hand is not too short to save and to heal. If the Lord Jesus can reach down to a former stripper who make her living showing her naked body publicly and selling her nakedness, then you are not too far to save friend. If the Lord can begin to heal a broken stripper who didn't like her own body but spend thousands on plastic surgeries, the Lord can healed you from your vain propensities. Friends, God's hand is not too short to save, nor His ear heavy that it cannot hear. But it is our sins that have separated between you and our God. Come to Jesus, let go of your sins and you will find healing for your soul.

And one last thing. Blac Chyna mentioned that she has a Christian community that is helping her in the process. Having a loving Christian community is very helpful in helping us in our journey with God, especially for new believers in Christ. Let us create small groups, small Bible study group to help each other move forward in the battles of life. May the Lord protect and truly save Angela (blac Chyna) and lead her in the way of life and may she find true and lasting healing in Jesus .
Keep her in your prayers

If you want to hear more about the need for a loving  Christian community and healing, check out our podcast,
"the Healing room live"
on the link below.
God bless


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