Its a sad thing to see people all around suffering mentally, emotionally etc..but they will not come to the Lord Jesus to find healing for their souls. Depression, loneliness are at all time high in our society. Our society is an individualistic society, everyone for himself. " I do me, you do you." People in our society don't want to be accountable to anyone. People don't want to take advice. Many people, no matter how young think they are wise enough to make their own decisions. The problem is most people are not wise enough to see what their decisions today will lead to tomorrow. So many of us as young people make a lot of mistakes and many of these mistakes leave lasting scars .
Everyone in our society wants to be independent, wants to be their own masters and so have problem with any sorts of authority. A lot people in our society reject from their lives anyone who will tell them the things they are doing are wrong. They say " positive vibes only, no negativity etc.." Such a mentality destroys a person by removing good counselors from their lives and when we lose good counselors from our lives, we will end up making foolish decisions, decisions that will destroy us mentally, emotionally. The Bible teach " in the multitude of counsellors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14
"In the multitude of counsellors there is safety." One of the best way to make good decisions in life is to surround yourself with people who are wiser than you. People who are older than you and have more experience than you, people who can guide you in the right path. It is foolish to surround yourself with people who are foolish and making foolish decisions in life. Wise counselors will tell you the truth, even though the truth may hurt. Even many of our therapists are not wise, because many of the therapists out there try to be our friends, and so they at times affirm us in our foolishness, they affirm us in destructive paths because they think being happy is the goal of life
And also remember for many therapists it is a job, it's their livelihood and they don't want to tell you things that will push you away, so they will tell you things to affirm you etc..And so many of us are hurting emotionally, mentally, we go to therapist but find no lasting help and we feel hopeless in life. But there is One person who can truly heal you, one person who's goal is not to take your money, not to tell you what you want to hear, but who's goal is to bring true and lasting healing to your life, who's goal is to restore your mind, to give you a right mind, a sound mind, a wise mind. Jesus is the true Counselor, the One who will always guide us right in life
But it's sad to see many people are suffering mentally,emotionally etc.. and yet they will not come to Jesus who is the only one who can heal us truly. And why is it that many will not come to Jesus to be healed ? It is because we think we are better at controlling our own lives than the Lord. We think we know more than the Lord of what will bring us true and lasting joy. It reveal the foolish child in us, because foolish children think they know better than their parents, better than those who are more experienced than them and when we refuse to listen to those who are wiser than us, to the Lord Jesus, disaster and pain will be our lot.So friends, if you are suffering mentally, emotionally there is no greater help than the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the great healer of the soul, the great counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father. Come to Jesus and find healing for your soul . Then let Jesus be your number one counselor, bring all things to the Lord, bring all your plans to the Lord and let the Lord guide your every paths and trust me, the Lord will ever guide you in the right way, the way of healing and the way of life. Its beautiful to see people come to Jesus and find healing for their souls. Come and be healed.
Isaiah 9:6
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.