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ORDO AB CHAO ( Order out of chaos)


God is a God of order. When the Lord created all things, He established order as to how things should run. In heaven there is order. God the Father is the absolute monarch of heaven and the Son of God its absolute Prince šŸ¤“šŸ¾. God has laws that governs all things and any violation of the laws of God, the laws of reality will introduce chaos. The law of God commanded supreme love for God and love for your neighbor as yourself, to violate that law is to bring chaos into our lives. After the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit was Lucifer who was the highest angel in heaven. The highest created being, he was happy until he became unhappy and introduced chaos in the universe.

OUT OF ORDER CHAOS!  Is Latin for "order out of chaos or order from disorder ."

Lucifer became discontented with his position in the hierarchy of heaven. He wanted to be equal with Jesus, with God Himself. He wasn't satisfied with being the highest angel, He wanted to be his own god, so he broke the law of God, the law of life, the law of harmony and introduced chaos. His plan was to introduce chaos, disorder, strife and out of that strife to present himself as the solution to peace. He would blame God's law as the cause of all the evil that was happening and declared the only way to have peace was for God to accept Lucifer's demand to be equal with Him. The chaos of Lucifer was the way to establish a new order under him as prince of heaven.


The chaos introduced by Lucifer in heaven is called "sin", transgression of God's law, transgression of the laws of reality. Lucifer and the Angels who rebelled with him were cast out of heaven to earth , and order was restored in heaven .The earth was a place of chaos. But the Lord came and brought order out of the chaos. God brought light out of the darkness, separated the waters from the land, created different species of plants and animals, created the moon and the stars in their different rotations and created man and woman as the crown of the earthly creation. He gave them a law to keep and by keeping that law, everything would remain in order

CHAOS OUT OF ORDER again. Lucifer, now named Satan tempted Eve to sin, she influenced her husband to transgress God's law, God's order and chaos was introduced in the earthly creation šŸŒ. The man and his wife was in harmony before, now strife would be between them and the only way for a man to have peace with his wife šŸ‘°šŸ½ is for one to submit to the other. The wife would seek to control her husband and the husband will seek to rule over her, chaos in the home. Brothers fight, kill each other. Animals became vicious, killing each other and killing human beings. Human beings kill each other, kills the animals and violence,misery  spread throughout the earth.

The chaos introduced by our first parents' sin brought confusion instead of surety, deception instead of truth ,hiding instead of openness, weeds instead of crops, pain instead of ease. All our relationships became chaotic, including the one with God, our very nature became chaotic. 

Satan seeks to establish a new world order on the earth by creating chaos. He creates chaos by causing us to violate God's law. Wherever God's law is disregarded disorder will follow.  Look at our nation, sexual sins bring chaos to millions, fatherless homes, divorces, sexually transmitted diseases and whole bunch of other things. Violence and confusion are rampant in the land. Men want to become women and women want to become men. Racism, fraud, lies , unfaithful are rampant in the land.  The more people break God's law of reality, the more misery spread, the more chaos spread.

Is there chaos in your life friend ? Is your family life in chaos ? Is your mind in chaos ? Friend, ask yourself am I responsible for the chaos of my life because of the transgression of God's law of reality. Sin will bring nothing but chaos in your life. God says," there is no peace to the wicked." To go against the law of life is to bring ruin to yourself. Let us examine our lives via the word of God and see if our lives are matching up to His standards of life. Am I doing things my own way or am I doing things God's way ?

ORDO AB CHAO ( order out of chaos ) in your life. No matter how much chaos there is in your life today, order can come out of it if you will surrender it all to Jesus. Jesus is the bringer of order out of the chaos of sin and when you come to Jesus, He will slowly but surely restore you, rewrite His laws in your heart and cause you to walk in the light of His countenance.  Friends, bring Jesus into your heart, life, bring Jesus into your home, bring Jesus into your every decision and watch as chaos is banished from your life as the Lord bring the order of a righteous life to fruition.

God is going to destroy this world šŸŒ of chaos, misery and pain and recreate a new one of order, peace, joy and love. But in this new world, only beings who have allowed God's law, God's order to reign in their lives here will inherit it. For in the new world to come there will be no evil there, no murderers, no thieves,no adulterers there. There will be no death, no tears there for all things have passed away and behold God will make all things new. So let us prepare for the world to come by asking God to bring order into our lives today. Lord remove the chaos of sin from my life šŸ™šŸ¾

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.


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