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America : a nation in decline

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." (Proverbs 14:34). What a time to be alive! Things we read in history are happening in front of our very eyes. We are being given a front row seat in history, watching the collapse of a once great nation in real time. The United States is slowly collapsing in front of our very eyes and yet many people are blinded to the fact. While many are hoping and dreaming of a great future, civilization is collapsing right beneath our feet. The United States once called by Ronald Reagan" the shining city on a hill," has become a place of darkness.

Yesterday, Thursday  March 30, 2023, history was made in America. Donald Trump became the first current of former president of the United States to be charged with a crime. A Manhattan grand jury has voted to indict Trump over a hush money payment to the adult film actress Stormy Daniel during the 2016 presidential election campaign. Presidential historian Michael Beschloss said on the MSNBC network: " Tomorrow, in terms of American history, we will be waking up in a different country. Before tonight, presidents in this country were kings." A precedent has been set, the nation has crossed into an even darker territory. No one knows what the outcome of this latest development will be.

There are many talks about a coming civil war in the United States, a second civil war, time will tell. But as of now the nation is already in a state of disunity, the "culture wars." The country is divided: north against south, the coast against the center, urban against suburban, conservative versus liberal. Its becoming difficult for people on the opposite ends of the spectrum to sit down and talk with each other. And we have already seen a mob attack on Congress, the very seat of government on January 6th, 2021. Stuff we used to see happening in unstable countries are now becoming a reality here. The nation is in decline .

But how did we get here ? How did we reach this state of internal chaos and confusion? Let's go back to our starting verse, Proverbs 14:34. The Bible teaches that ," righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Sin is the reason why we are experiencing this chaos. God is the one that set nations up and bring them down ( Jeremiah 18:7-10). The United States was planted by God to be a beacon of light and freedom to the nations. It was here the pilgrims found refuge after fleeing the religious and political persecutions of europe. It is here many people find refuge from wars, economic and political difficulties of other countries.

America was the place religious freedom truly flourished and the advent message spread throughout the world from its shores, warning the nations that we have entered the time of the end and "God's hour of judgment has come." America has been a " shining city on hill," blessed and exalted by the Lord. How the gold has become dim! How is the most fine gold changed! ( Lamentations 4:1). Sin is bringing the once great nation down, the nation has turned it's back on the Lord and the Lord is abandoning the nation to its sin .

Since the 1960s the nation has been waging war on every principle of righteousness. Prayer was removed from its schools, godless theories like evolution came in. The sexual revolution with its focus on " free love" spread from its shores. The breakdown of the family followed with the promulgation of "no fault divorce." The homosexual movement broke out of the stone wall riots culminating in 2015 homosexual marriage ruling by the US supreme court. The nation has become a threat to peace worldwide, waging countless wars on foreign lands, destroying thousands, millions of people. The nation has revealed its nature as a lamb like beast , Revelation 13.

"National apostasy leads to national ruin." Review and herald,May 2,1893. The United States is descending towards national ruin, as all the nations before it have done. When a nation, an individual forsake God to pursue a sinful course, ruin will be the result. As we have seen with former president Trump, it is his own sin in the past with the harlot Stormy Daniel that has come back to hunt him, bringing chaos into his life. And so it is with our country, our own sins are coming back to bite us, the expression is the " chickens are coming home to roost." The United states has sponsored civil wars and chaos in other nations, now it is being threatened by chaos and civil war .

The future of America, the world is dark. We are living in the last days of human history, we have come to the point of no return. All the nations have rejected and forsaken the Lord and the Lord is letting them go their own ways, therefore we are seeing " evil goes from nations to nations like a whirlwind." But those who put their trust in the Lord have nothing to worry about, because the collapse and fall of the nations is evidence that the kingdom of glory is rising with healing in its wings. The end of time is upon us, it is time for us to seek the Lord earnestly, to hide under His wings of safety, for "the Lord will come out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth  for their iniquities ." Isaiah 26:21


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