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Sexual sins will ruin you

 Sex connects you at  a spiritual level with the other person. When done in marriage it connects you with  your  spouse  and glorifies God.  When done outside of marriage it not only connects you with the other person , but also connects you with the demonic spirits influencing you to commit the immoral acts.

Sexual sins is one of the fastest ways to connect yourself with the Devil 😱.

Sex after all is an act of worship and sexual sins bring demonic spirits into the most intimate union with you.

Sexual sins establish a deep spiritual bond with the first person you sleep with. This is why breaking up with the first person you had sex with can have a serious impact on you emotionally, mentally and definitely spiritually.  You feel as if you are being torned apart , as if you are losing a part of yourself.  Truth is you are losing a part of yourselves. There are laws that are established by God. You can think whatever you want, but God's law like gravity cannot be broken. God declared that the " two shall become one flesh." The sexual act brings you together in union with a person and separation from that person is always devastating and long lasting .

After sex with your first and you break up, it then become harder for you to connect with the next person and become easier for you to sleep with other people. Your moral perceptions become weaker and the power Satan in your life grow stronger. This is why " love" becomes harder to find and relationships become more difficult. People become fustrated and they go from relationship to relationships,  increasing spiritual ties with other people, breaking apart their own souls, leading to depression, anxiety and all types of illnesses as the power of demonic forces increase in their inner lives. 

By the time the person who has been practicing sexual sin is ready to get married 👰🏾, we are usually broken and now the seed of a broken marriage are already laid down. In the marriage it becomes harder to connect to the spouse because you are already broken by your spiritual connection with so many others and you now become vulnerable to adultery. Sexual sins ruins you. This is why marriage is broken so much in our society. Sexual sins has reduced us to broken shells of human beings and by the time we come to a marriage , we have nothing of ourselves to give because we already gave up so much pf ourselves to different people 😔.

Sexual sins will ruin you, but God can restore you. Friends, the way of the Lord are meant for your protection and welfare.  Sex is designed only for marriage and only in marriage you will enjoy the blessings of sex. Any sex outside of marriage will ruin you kne way or the other, for it ties you spiritually with demonic spirits. God can break you free. Bring your sexual past before the Lord and ask Him to heal you. Ask the Lord to break you free from any inmoral lifestyle you may currently find yourself in and to give you power to overcome.  Sexual sins reveal lack of self control, ask God to give you self control and lack of self control will destroy a marriage. 

Friends, ask the Lord to do whatever it takes to save you from sexual sins. 1 Corinthians 6:18 says "every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man ( sex outside of marriage) sins against his own body ." This is because the body is  a  Temple of the Holy Spirit and sexual sins turns the body into temples of devils.

Many of us still have demonic ties because of past sexual sins. Let us confess these sins before the Lord and ask for victory. Our society is descending into madness as more people are getting entangled in sexual immorality and Satan is destroying them mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally and yet they are refusing to repent and be freed . 

Let us not be stubborn like the majority in our society and remain in sexual sins to our hurt, but let us " flee from sexual immorality," and let us pursue after holiness, " without which no man," will see the Lord. 

As society is drowning in sexual sins, marital breakdowns and miseries of all sorts, let us return to the Lord,  let us cling to Him and let us ask Him for the power to break every evil soul ties and to cause us to cling to Him alone and to cleave to our spouse as God intended.

Flee from sexual immorality, flee from sexual ties with devils and cling to Jesus.

Lord help us overcome the pendemic of sexual sins with its trail of mental, physical, spiritual illnesses 🙏🏾


Anonymous said…
Sex is good but wrong?
Anonymous said…
You were right about sex before or outside marriage disconnect people with JEHOVAH GOD

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