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A safe place : grab hold of the Lord

 In a world of uncertainty we all are in need of something certain, something we can grab hold of. This world 🌎 is chaotic ! Things can change in a moment. In such a world full of chaos we are all in search of security, something or someone who will give us peace, certainty in the midst of the chaos. For many that someone was a parent 🤱🏽. As a child, the arms of the parent were our safe place. When we cry the loving parent rush to grab hold of us, to soothe us, to let us know I am here, be not afraid, I am here and you are safe. In childhood we grab hold of our parents and they provided a safe place, took care of us.

For many of us the last time experienced a safe place in life was really in childhood. As we started going to school we started to realize we were not the center of other people's worlds. Other kids made fun of us, parents started to have less time for us and started to ignore our every tears. And so many of us start to find ourselves drifting into the darkness, loneliness,  rejection and anxiety. We started to think unless I grab hold of something sure, something certain, unless I find a safe place in life, I will sink into despair, madness and be a nobody. It is at that time we start having different ideas of how can we make a name for ourselves 🤔?

How can I make a name for myself 🤔? How can I become important in this life like I was as a baby to my parents 🤱🏽? What or who can I grab a hold of in life so I don't drift into the abyss. Different suggestions may come to us. Some will tell us to grab hold of good grades 📝, it will make your parents, the teachers love you. Grab hold of popularity, it will make your peers love you. Join a gang, you will be part of a brotherhood. Grab hold of pleasure, it will remove your anxieties. Grab hold of a romantic partner ❤ and they will love you for who you are. Grab hold of money, money can buy you security and many things in life. Many things are suggested to us on how we can find safety in life.

And so we put all our energy in grabbing these things only to find them to be like broken cords. We grab hold of a romantic partner only to find out we are not his/her priority 💔. We grab hold of fame, only to find out fame is fleeting. We grab hold of good grades only to find out parents are never satisfied and we cannot regain their full attention as when we were  babies. We grab hold of money, only to find out we are always in need of more money and are always in fear of losing what we have. Everything we try to grab hold of to maintain a sense of security and wellbeing in this world prove to be futile and so many of us are in constant stress, fear  and anxiety.

There is only one safe place in this world, only one way to find perfect peace, love and rest in this world and it is to grab hold hold of the Lord Jehovah. The Lord God is never too busy to pay attention to your cry. For the Lord Jehovah you are the apple of His eyes if you are His child. The Lord Jehovah will watch over you at all time. For the Lord you are the center of His world. The Lord Jesus would have given His life to save just you ❤. The Lord Jesus has you, your wellbeing, your salvation as His priority. The Lord Jesus will make you famous throughout the universe, for He calls you His child.  You can join His gang of brotherhood and His angels will encamp around you .

The Lord Jesus is a strong tower in which the righteous run into and are safe. The LordJesus is the heavenly currency which will never fail, which provide true security. The Lord Jesus is the Rock of ages whom you can lay as the foundation of your life. The Lord Jesus is the romantic partner that loves you with an everlasting love. The Lord Jesus is the only One who knows all about you ,the good ,the bad ,the ugly and yet will never leave you nor forsake you. The Lord Jesus is the only One that can guarantee safety in this world and who will love you and cherish you for who you are. Grab hold of Him, seek after Him with all your heart, keep your mind upon Him.

In a world of chaos, the Lord Jesus is the only stability. In a world of uncertainty, the Lord Jesus is the only certainty. In a loveless world, the Lord Jesus is the source of love. Lay hold upon Him by faith and through faith keep your hands upon Him and you will find certainty, hope ,stability and security. 

Friends, let us do all in our power to wrestle with God in prayer, to study His Word daily, to share our hearts' anxieties, sorrows and fear with Him, to keep hold of Him and to say like Jacob, I will not let you go unless you bless me with everlasting life. Let us grab hold of the Lord for all our needs and He will keep us in perfect peace. 


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