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Counsel to those new in the faith

 I would like to address you who have come to a knowledge of the truth. You are young in the faith, and there is great need of your walking humbly with God, and of learning daily in the school of Christ by dwelling particularly in meditation and conversation upon lessons which He gave to His disciples. Walk in all humility of mind, distrustful of self, seeking wisdom from the God of wisdom, that all your ways and methods may be in firm and close connection with the ways and the will of God, that there may be no confusion...

We must never forget how hard it is to remove long cherished errors from the minds of men, which have been taught from childhood. We must bear in mind that earth is not heaven and that there will be discouragements to meet and to overcome, but forebearance and tenderness and pity should be exercised toward all who are in darkness. If we bring them to see the light, it will not be solely by arguments, it must be by the work of the grace of Christ on your own hearts, revealed in your own characters with firmness, yet with the meekness and simplicity of Christ. 

Through much prayer you must labor for souls, for this is the only method by which you can reach hearts. It is not your work, but the work of Christ who is by your side, that impresses hearts...

Be determined that you will not be at variance among yourselves, but will have the peace of Christ in your own hearts, and then it will be an easy work to have it brought to your own families πŸ€΅πŸΎπŸ‘±πŸΎ‍♀️. But when  the garden of the heart is neglected, poisonous weeds of pride, self esteem, self sufficiency, obtain a rank growth. We individually must watch unto prayer.

The husband has a great responsibility 

"The characters we form will speak in the home life 🏑. If there is a sweet accord in the home circle, the angels of God may minister in the home. If there is wise management at home, kindness, meekness, forbearance, combined with firm principles, then be assured that the husband 🀡🏾 is a house band;  he binds the family together with holy chords and presents them to God, binding himself with them upon the altar of God. What a light shines forth from such a family !"

The family, properly conducted, is a favorable argument to the truth, and the head of such a family ( husband 🀡🏾) will carry out the very same kind of  work in the church as is revealed in the family. Wherever severity, harshness, and want of affection and love ❤ are exhibited in the sacred circle of the home, there will most assuredly be a failure in the plans and management in the church. Unity in the home, unity in the church, reveals Christ's manner and grace more than sermons and arguments...πŸŽ™

Is the truth, the advanced truth we have received, producing in our hearts the fruits of patience, faith, hope, charity ❤, and thus leaving its saving influence upon human minds, revealing that we are the branches of the true Vine ( Jesus Christ) because we bear rich cluster of fruit of the Spirit? 

Letter 6b, 1890.


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