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God is faithful and true

 God is faithful and true. In a world of falsehood and unfaithfulness you can always put your trust in the Lord. People will say one thing and do another ,but you can always trust that God will do what He says. God cannot lie and His Word is certain. Even if you don't see it's fulfillment yet, wait on it for in due time it will come to past.

God is true in His judgment. God declared to Adam and Eve on the day that you eat of the forbidden tree 🍇 you will surely die. The devil promised Eve that she would not surely die and what happened after Adam and Eve ate of the tree ? Death came into the world. For one man's sin, death passed to all men. Every time you attend a funeral or pass by a cemetary remember God's word , " on the day you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will surely die." 

God's Word is true concerning your sins . The Lord says in the book of Ezekiel, " the soul that sin shall die." When you sin, any sin, death comes to your soul. You tell a " small lie," a piece of your soul dies. You envy what someone else has, a piece of you die. You steal, a piece of your conscience and peace leaves. You commit sexual sins ( sex with boyfriend/girlfriend) or someone you are not married to and your purity is stained, your mind clouded. You gossip about someone and now you are unable to trust others fearing that they may gossip about you. You hurt someone and now you are fearful of others hurting. Every sin brings death 💀

God's Word is true even when there is a delay. Many of us continue to do things the Word of God condemns because we don't see the immediate effects of death working through us. Eve didn't see any negative effects after she ate the fruit 🍇.When Adam saw her with the fruit in her hands he saw no negative effects on her, but the truth is the process of death was working through her already but was not evident to the naked eyes 👀. It is the same with me and you. You may be living your best life in rebellion against God, but trust me the process of death is working through your soul. In due time you will feel the emptiness, the nakedness, the mental decay of your soul .

God's Word is true in the fact that there will be no escape for sinners from His judgment. Adam and Eve experienced the nakedness of soul that came as the result of sin and soon they heard the voice of the Lord God in the garden. There is no escape for the sinner. We all will come into judgment. Enjoy your life of sin now, but remember the day is coming when you, I will face the Eternal God to give an account. Death in this life doesn't spare any from the judgment of God. Your money, your fame, your exploits, your good looks will not save you from God's judgment.  God's Word is true, every men will come to judgment 😱 to give an account for the things done in the body .

God's Word is true in the fact that there is only One who can rescue us from the power of sin, the Lord Jesus Christ.  Friends, I am here to tell you today that God is faithful and true.  The same God who declared, " in the day you eat of the tree you shall surely die," has declared "if anyone has the Son he shall never see death." Jesus is able to save you from whatever sin you are dealing with. Pride, arrogance, lust, greed, envy, hatred, lying etc.. Whatever you are dealing with just bring it to the foot of the cross and you will surely get the victory because God is faithful and true. 

God's Word is true! The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God 🎁 is eternal life in Christ Jesus. Friends, there is life in Jesus, there is restoration in Jesus. You can put your trust i  Him. Every time you hear someone dies, remember God's Word is true. If someone dies as a result of God's Word, then I can live as a result of God's Word. Fortify your mind with the Word of God then. Ask the Lord to purify your mind, to cleanse you of all unrighteousness.  Ask the Lord to renew in me a right Spirit ,to make me a new creature and He will surely do it. 

God is faithful and true. So the last thing you want to ask God every day in prayer is " Lord keep me from falling back into sin, back into my former life and lead me in the path of life, lead me in the way everlasting, lead me to the gates of paradise." And guess what ? The Lord will lead you there because He promised to keep us from falling, promised to lead us in the way of life if we will daily follow Him and abide in His love.  God is faithful and true, put your trust in Him.

Lord my prayer today is keep me from falling into sin and lead me in the way everlasting and I trust you will keep me and lead me, amen. 🙏🏾


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