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The way of healing


I was listening to this sermon on, titled the burden of scripture by Steve Conway and the preacher said something very powerful."We cannot have victory over what we refuse to surrender and we cannot surrender what we refuse to acknowledge. " In the sermon he spoke about counseling a young lady who came to him with her fiance for counseling before marriage. And as they were talking, the young lady mentioned that she never knew her father. She said when she got older she found out her father lived near her but he never came to visit.

And the young lady finished the story by telling him she was "cool" with the fact. She pretended that she was at peace with the situation. So the pastor went ahead and repeated the situation to her. He said so you are telling me your father never came to your preschool graduation, he never came when you graduated from high school, never came when you graduated from college and the young lady at the time had a young child with her fiance. So the pastor said , your father even though he stayed near by never came to see his grand daughter and you are telling me you are "cool" with that ? Then suddenly tears started to run down her cheeks and she started crying uncontrollably.

See friends, that young lady was deeply affected by the fact that her father never cared for her. Never show any interest in her life, but she buried it. She was a successful young lady, graduated college and working a good job but its possible that all the success was an effort to hide the pain of being rejected by her own father. And so it is friends, many of us have deep wounds in our lives, are broken but we live in denial. When people ask us how are you doing, we respond by saying all is fine and if we are Christian we say all is "well with my soul," while deep down we are being crushed under the weight of sorrows. 

"We cannot have victory over what we refuse to surrender and we cannot surrender what we refuse to acknowledge." Because we refuse to acknowledge to God that we are broken, we are wounded, we are empty, we are needy, He cannot heal us. And so we go in life pretending to be okay while we are not. This is the reason you can find a Christian being on fire at one moment and the next moment they fall into some gross sin or become apostates. It is because even while they pray they never truly open the heart to God and to acknowledge the real issues that are in their lives. It is only when acknowledged the issues in your life and bring them to God that God can heal you. 

Luke 4:18

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,


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