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A warm heart in a cold world


This is a cold world. We live in a time in which the love of many are growing cold. Relationships are becoming meaningless, betrayals are on the increase, loneliness is skyrocketing. How does one keep a warm heart ❤in such a cold world? The solutions of many people is to isolate themselves, to be weary of close friendship, but isolation only make our hearts colder. This coldness of heart play a great role in our mental health epidemic. Without love, life seems cruel and unbearable. Without love the world becomes a dark place, a jungle. Without love, life cease to have meaning. How do I keep a warm heart in such a cold world ?

How does a person keep a warm heart when someone abused them as a child? How does a person keep a warm heart when they had parents who were cold, unloving? How do you keep a warm heart when after your parents got a divorce you rarely see your dad? How do you keep a warm heart when people made fun of how you look as a teenager? How do you keep a warm heart when you were bullied and called names by others ? How do you keep a warm heart when people always take advantage of you? How can you keep a warm heart when your first boyfriend/girlfriend claimed to love you and will marry you but then leave you as soon as they slept with you? 

How can you keep a warm heart when you have had six, seven , ten sexual partners and you are not even 22 years old yet ? When you feel like you are just a piece of meat for them, when you feel like they just get with you for your body and as soon as they get what they want, they dispose you like trash ? How can you keep a warm heart when those who claimed to love you betray you? How can you keep a warm heart when in time of needs you can find no one to depend on ? How can you keep a warm heart when those whom you love forsake you as soon as they don't need you anymore, as soon as they find a new relationship, a new job etc..? 

How can you keep a warm heart when your spouse betray and forsake you, family members abandoned you, children reject you, loved ones ignore you ? How can you keep a warm heart when church brethren you seek to find refuge in reject you because of your past, abandon you because of your mistake and show no patience with you because of your struggle with sin and a character flaw ? How can I find hope in a world without hope, how can I keep a warm heart in world so selfish, so cold, so cruel ?

Friends, think about the things that have wounded you in life, the things that have make your heart so cold and ask how can I keep a warm heart after such a thing ?

Friends, the only way to keep a warm, loving heart ❤ in such a cold, selfish and cruel world is to keep bringing the pain, the wounds, the betrayals to the Lord. Tell God in prayer about the abuse you suffer. Tell God about the betrayals, tell God about the abandonment. Tell God about your kindness being taking for weakness, tell God about your loneliness, tell God about the broken promises, friends open the heart to God and reveal the deep wounds to Him like a patient remove the bandage to expose the wounds to the physician 👨🏾‍⚕️. Let the the Lord examine the wounds and He will provide the cure .

Then pray God for the people who have wronged you, not for their harms, but for their conversion. There is a saying "hurt people hurt people ,". Meaning those who wounded you have themselves been wounded by others. And truth is the human race as a whole has been wounded by the ancient serpent 🐍, the devil himself. We all have deep wounds in our soul and unless we are praying God for healing, the enemy will use our pain to cause us to hurt and mistreat others. So we must not only pray for our own healing,but pray for the healing of those who hurt you. Pray for the power to forgive and love them. Pray for the Lord to make you a healer of others, one who will heal the broken hearted.

How can I keep a warm up in such a cold world ? As you abide in Jesus and He is healing you, make it a priority to minister to others, to bring healing to others. Whatever your talent is, use it for the glory of God and the welfare of others. Send others a text to check up on them, give one a call, invite one to your home, visit the sick, listen to the broken hearted, help one get back to their feet, get involved in serving others. It is in helping others, being loving to others and reaching to others we reveal the love of God to the world. So how can I keep a warm heart in such a cold world ? By seeking healing from God, intercede for others before the Lord and ministering to their needs .

Matthew 24:12,13

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.


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