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Your day of judgment

 Imagine you standing before the Lord, the King of the universe, in front of billions of beings and you are lost 😮. And the proceedings begin with Jesus speaking. He says before the witnessing universe, " I have left heaven to redeem the human race, I became a human being, walked amongst men, taught in their streets, heal them, give them hope, invite them to come unto me, to bring their burdens to me. I offered them eternal life, a life of peace and blessings forevermore. I have endured all their hatred, I endure their mockings, their spitting upon me, I endured their crown of thorns."

Jesus continues, " I endured their cruel beatings, my skin was ripped for you, I bled for you, I carry the heavy cross for you, I endured separation from my heavenly Father for you, my hands ✋🏾 and feet  👣 are pierced for you, I enjoyed the agony of the cross for you, I drank the cup of the wrath of God for you, I died for you, I resurrected for you, I ascended to heaven to intercede for you, I sent my Holy Spirit to appeal to you, I sent holy angels to guide you in the way of truth, I sent preachers to preach the truth to you."

Jesus continues," I sent family members and friends to warn you of the dangerous paths you were on, I bring many blessings upon you to show you of my love for you, I allow hard times to come upon you to cause you to think and come to your senses, to make you understand without me you cannot make it, I am the bread of life, I am the water of life, I am the light of this world and only in me you will find satisfaction for your soul. I have done all in my Divine power to save you from your sins, I have opened the gates of paradise  for you. I have done all to save you! Then Jesus look at the universe and say I have done all to save him/ her and sit down."

Then the eyes of the whole universe is fasten upon you and the eyes of God is fixed upon you and the question is asked why are you lost ? And with trembling voice and terror 😢😱, you begin to say, I am lost because I loved sex more than you Lord, I wouldn't surrender my sexual drive to you, I wouldn't surrender my habits of masturbation to you. I am lost because I loved women more than you, I thought a woman, a created being could bring me more satisfaction than you. I am lost because I loved men more than you, I thought I needed a man to fulfill my deepest desires."

You continue," I am lost because I loved money more than you, I thought money would provide me with safety. I am lost because I loved pleasure more than you. I am lost because I loved my husband, my wife, my kids, my family more than you. I am lost because I was more concerned with what others would think of me if I gave my life wholly to you. I am lost because I loved fashion more than you, I loved feeling sexy and I wouldn't surrender my body to you, my heart to you, myself to you, I am lost because I am a fool Lord."

I continue, " oh wretched man/woman that I am! I have rejected an eternal life of bliss and happiness for foolishness. I have pursued after men/women who have left me broken for Jesus who have loved me and died for me. I have chased after pleasures which only satisfied me for a moment than Jesus who would have brought me perfect peace. I have pursued after money which brought me more anxiety than Jesus who would have given me eternal riches. I have pursued after the perishable things of this world at the expense of eternal riches. I have been a fool, I have neglected the loving Savior for madness and folly, I have been a fool, O wretched man/woman that I am."

I continue," I have rejected all the warnings of God, I thought I was to young to give my life to Jesus, I thought I was too busy to give my time to God, I thought I was too wise to submit my will to God, I thought I too comfortable to walk in the narrow way that leads to life, I thought I was too cool to read the Word of God and now I am lost 😥, I am lost, beyond redemption, beyond hopes and where are the things I gave up Jesus for? Where is the man/woman I gave up Jesus for ? Where is the money, the child, the wealth  I gave up Jesus for ? I am a fool, I am lost, lost, lost , lost !"

Then I will hear the voice of Jesus saying, " depart from me you worker of iniquity into the everlasting fire 🔥 prepared for the Devil and his angels. " What horror! To live a life of misery under Satan's tyranny and to perish with him in the fires of hell. Friends, let none of us suffer such a fate. The message is today if you will hear God's voice, harden not your heart, but surrender your heart to Jesus. Nothing in this world, no one in this world is worth you losing eternal life for for. Today is the day of salvation, give your life to Jesus today, walk with Christ today and you will pass from judgment unto life eternal. Friends, seek the Lord while He is near, a day of judgment is coming. 


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