God created both the man and woman in His image. But each have an important role to play in His great plan. The women represents certain characteristics of God and the man other characteristics. The woman represents tenderness, nurturing, beauty inward and outward etc.. But the man is supposed to represent stength, a protector, a provider for those under his care. When a man and woman work together in harmony with God, a better and more beautiful image of the Divine being will be seen.
But something tragic has happened. We have an enemy who hates God and who seeks to corrupt and destroy everything good thing created by God. The enemy is Satan the Devil. In the beginning, when God created Adam and Eve, He set Adam up as the leader and Eve as his helpmeet, his equal but Adam was the leader of the leader of the home š”, leader of the family, leader of the world. God spoke to Adam concerning the forbidden fruit and Adam passed the message to Eve. God established a structure of leadership. Our God is a God of order. The man is the leader of the home.
The Devil š came into the garden and reversed the order given by God. Notice in genesis chapter 3, the Devil using the serpent as a medium š spoke to the woman, seduced her and then she went to speak to her husband who followed her into sin. The woman obeyed the Devil above God and her husband. Adam obeyed the woman, who oveyed the serpent above God. The order had been reversed. Satan became the ruler of this world and women ever since have sought to control and rule over men š. Conflict in the home, war between the sexes
God restored the order. When God came in the garden to pass judgment, He restored the order. He told Eve that you will try to control your husband š¤µš¾, but your husband will rule over you. Again God put the man back to the position of authority after the woman through Satan's deception usurped her husband. The man was supposed to rule over his wife with love. As long as the man remained under God's rule, he would remain loving to his wife and she would probably submit to his rule. But sadly, most men reject the rule of God over their own lives and oppression of women began š.
Abused of women led to the feminist movement. Abused of male of authority led to woman seeking independence from men. Satan influenced evil men to abused their wives, the women under their authority and in the 20th century caused the women to rebelled with feminist movement. The feminist movement despise male leadership and encourages women to become like men
( transgenderism) The feminist movement tells women being tender, loving, nurturing, submissive are not good qualities but as a woman you must assert yourself over men to show them you are no push over . As a result women became more masculine.
At the same time the feminism movement was seeking to make women more manly, it was also attacking masculinity, maleness. Calling the male characteristics such as strength, protection and the appreciation of the beauty of women as dangerous characteristics, chauvinism and something to be eliminated. Even the beard which is a symbol of masculinity to some degree was looked down upon. Feminist movement turned women into men and men into women. The feminist movement is the spiritual origin of the transgender movement.
The feminist movement helped to destroy masculinity in the land. Metrosexual men became a thing. Men who focused so much on their physical appearance like women do. Men who gets manicure, pedicure, shave their beard, dress flamboyant so they can look beautiful and be attractive to women, while forgetting what really make a women attracted to men are strength, courage, protection and love, basically the characteristics established by God in man from the beginning. The metrosexual male is a man who has been destroyed by feminism and he has no sense of family.
Destroyed masculinity leads to the birth of weak woman like men who's only goal in life is to have a good time and to avoid hardship. Which then lead to fatherless homes because being married, being a leader of a family , a home is a difficult thing and a weak man cannot handle such burden. So as man become weaker, they abandoned their leadership role and leave women alone to raise children. Which lead to a feminine dominated society. The more feminine our society becomes, the more masculine virtues disappears. Homosexuality, transgenderism have now become rampant in our societies because the man has been destroyed. Men have become women and women have become men.
A society where manhood has been destroyed is a society on its way to destruction. Our churches, our schools, many of our different institutions in the land are for the most part controlled by feminist ideologies and have a dim view of Male characteristic such as strength šŖš¾, perseverance , protection etc.. They focuse and exalt more of the feminine characteristics such tenderness, nurture etc..In history, nations whose men became weak and effeminate were soon overcomed by other more masculine societies. Friends, God has called us to embrace the gender He made us as. For men to be men and for women to be women. Men don't be afraid of being men, embrace the challenges of masculinity
Restored manhood will lead to men who will take care of their wives, men who will not abandon their children to be raised by a single mother or another men. A single mother cannot raise a man to be masculine, only a man can raise a man to be masculine. God is calling us men back to Himself, back to our original design. God created men to be strong, to be guardians of the home, guardians of society, guardians of the church. Don't be ashamed of your masculinity, ask the Lord to purify them.
Lord, help us men to embrace our calling and to make the lives of those under our leadership pleasant and beautiful like you design it.